Saturday, April 30, 2005

the sky's the limit

As someone living in the digital age, I crave for speeds like every other sensible user of the world wide web. I remember the days when I was THE ONE WITH MAGIX! The only one in my circle of friends subscribed to the only existing broadband service at that time. The regular folks cower in the wake of my awesome DSL connection.

Then came cable. The one connection that vindicated my existence online allowing me to reach speeds like no other. However, it wasn't until competition came in the form of other broadband ISPs that SCV, as it's called now, really took off. At the moment, I'm using the service I've been using for the past 4 years with a slight upgrade, the SCV 2000. Due to the nature of my neighbourhood, the number of people sharing the cable connection is relatively lower than other areas, thus allowing me to be faster than most people I know and on par with some. No one is faster than me, well, atl least until a few days ago when I found out a friend of mine got the SCV 6500.

Nothing will change, I will not stop in my conquest fro speed. In a few days, I will get my service a face-lift. In a few days I will have SCV 6500 too. And with the nature of my neighbourhood as a constant cut above the rest, not to mention my inhuman ability to make the most out of ANY internet connection. I will be in the lead again. Someday I'll have T3. I look forward to that day.

I got my very own Bible.

The title speaks for itself and that should make most of you who read what I posted here before go woot?! It can't be the Christian Bible can it?!

Many thanks to Kenneth and Yixian for the Bible, it's BRAND NEW!!, and yes it is the Christian Bible aka the New King James Bible.

In order to be inpartial in my judgment, I'm making myself read the Bible I so openly question. Do not be mistaken that I'm reading it because I'm becoming Christian or anything, I'm reading it to see for myself what exactly it is that so many people out there are crazy about.

I seem to have an affinity with religious discussions and this time I got into one with the mother of, none other than, yixian. It was pretty intense not that there was any shouting but the exchange was pretty much led on by Mrs kang. There's also the fact that I'm at her place and she can throw me out if I get too blasphemous. Imagine how I feel sitting at the table with The MOTHER of Yixian, yixian herself and pst Kenneth. They flank me, there's no way out. Somehow they, Kenneth n yixian, must bring in the BOOK I'm reading and that sparked everything.

However, even though I still do not consider Kenneth as an ally as long as it's Christianity we're talking about, it's good to know that I'm not the only person questioning parts of the Christian faith, more specifically, the part very much subjected to human influence, eg. the selection of text for the New Testament.

Friday, April 29, 2005

The Darth Side: Memoirs of a Monster


Singapore SUCKS as far as the weather is concern. It's hot humid and full of shit all year round. I can never understand how anyone can want to "live in the mediterranean" or "can't wait for summer". Those living in the west have no idea how good it feels to not sweat for a day. It's so FUCKING HOT here, the air-con's pretty much useless. I want INSTANT RELIEVE! INSTANT!

Someone build me a igloo!

Thursday, April 28, 2005


This is a follow up post with reference to bitches and bastards.

If you recall, I proposed that it's quite difficult for one person to be a bitch and a bastard at the same time due to the fundamental differences in bitch/bastard behaviour and what makes the person a bitch or a bastard.

ken: haha. thank you. bout yq's post bout bitches and bastards. the true masters of both are elavated to the status of sluts

With effect from the above tag on Kenneth's tagboard, I will use the posted information and add on to the defination and renaming the "bitching-bastard" to "slut".

The slut is, in reference to bitches and bastards, a lethal combination of the bitch and the bastard. However, that is only 1 of the many kinds of sluts. I'll name this kind of slut "slut prime" in this post to prevent confusion.

Another common kind of slut is the "fps" which is short for, nono not first-person shooter, Fucking Pretentious Slut. A fps tries to be someone he is not and acts like the world owes him big time. A hy pocrite by nature and a adept back stabber, the fps is often hated by everyone but being too self absorbed, will not notice that everyone hates him.

Then there's the usual slut which is just a substitude for the word bitch so I won't bother explaining.

And finally, there's the "Born a Slut" or "Slut by nature". These are the most fucked up of society. They are not only look hideous , they have fucked up personalities and have a high chance of being gay. They lose their temper but never their virginity, which is fortunate for us regular folk(a bastard is still a regular folk when put beside a Born Slut) and will at ALL times try every single fucking way possible to gain the attention of EVERYONE who doesn't give a shit. Born Sluts also do not know that people hate them. Due to the fact that no person's behaviour can be influenced to that of a born slut since everyone hates them but themselves, we can only conclude that Born Sluts are LITERALLY BORN SLUTS.

So the hierarchy of bitches, bastards and the various sluts would be:

Bitch / Bastard
Slut prime
Born Slut

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

shade distinction

When you think of sunny sentosa and it's beaches, what do you think of? The sun , sand, sea, Bikini babes, beach volley ball, etc. ?? Perhaps that's where most people stop but being the ever creative me, with ideas sparking of in my over-bored mind at an alarming rate, I start to make up games that can be played on the terrain covered with ground up rock, sand.

I brainstorm, organise, then permutate my ideas to make more ideas, constantly evaluate and eliminate random bullshit-will-never-work ideas and all that is done simultaneously in the demented brain of mine in an instant. It's a wonder how it's possible but that can easily be explained since it's me you're talking about here - I who planned the works of an ambigram, how it should look and ensure it's perfect rotational symmetry while peeing. The idea machina* itself

Anyway one of the better games I thought up of that can be played in the sand is what I call Human Reversi. I'm sure you all know how to play Reversi, Othello, what ever you call it. You don't have to be good at it, I kick ass at it sometimes, to understand my following instructions. As you know the pieces you use when playing Reversi has a side of black and a side of white. So you just line up the black ppl on one side, and the white people on the other. This does not necessary mean the race, though that's prefered, it can mean what the people are wearing. With that said, just "play" normally and when the "piece" needs to be flipped, just replace a black person with a white person and vice versa.

That is not the end, I must bow down to my friend and worship him for his improvising on the game. It's THAT ingenius. It's too much trouble using the whole person, all we need are the Indian's hands! Amazing.

This led me on to one of the many racist jokes.

There are 2 kinds of people I hate. Racists, and blacks.

*For those who don't know, machina is machines in the Squaresoft smash hit - Final Fantasy X.

Monday, April 25, 2005

The Great Conspiracy Theory

What They Don't Want You to Know

In order to understand FAGS you need to realize that everything is controlled by a closet in S*FBANDS made up of GAYS with help from MORE GAYS.

The conspiracy first started during fucking fag fest in one of the store rooms. They have been responsible for many events throughout history, including the "Desperate Husbands" incident.

Today, members of the conspiracy are everywhere. They can be identified by their constant need for ass.

They want to KNNBCCB me and imprison resisters in bunk 1 using indented transport.

In order to prepare for this, we all must ORD. Since the media is controlled by ME! we should get our information from Gideon.

You must be thinking, WHAT THE FUCK?! Trust me, you're not the only one. Anyway, the above text is fiction, to a certain extent, and is generated using Make Your Own Conspiracy. Try it and have some dumb fun. It shouldn't take anyone too long to figure out what I typed in the fields in the form so if you are really that stupid, try putting a different number in each field and use that as a reference to what I wrote for each field. Note that it's a really simple javascript and it's english is non-existent. If you are to use it and generate something to post somewhere, at least ensure that the sentences flow and nothing is incoherent.

Here's another which, IMHO, makes much more fucking sense!

What They Don't Want You to Know

In order to understand the City Harvest Cult you need to realize that everything is controlled by a "Cell Group" made up of Crack-heads with help from "pastors".

The conspiracy first started during the Wailing Service in City Harvest Church. They have been responsible for many events throughout history, including the half-fuck concert services.

Today, members of the conspiracy are everywhere. They can be identified by their constant need to preach.

They want to Baptise me and imprison resisters in City Harvest Church using money.

In order to prepare for this, we all must tell them to FUCK OFF. Since the media is controlled by ME! we should get our information from Kenneth.

Sunday, April 24, 2005


I found, well stumbled upon, it! Remember all those long posts I wrote about religion and stuff and about what I believe in and shit?

An agnostic thinks it impossible to know the truth in matters such as God and the future life with which Christianity and other religions are concerned. Or, if not impossible, at least impossible at the present time.

Source: What is an Agnostic?

A pretty much accurate defination of what I am.

Friday, April 22, 2005

freaking cool

Cool Flash Math

Just when you thought math is boring and restricted to the sciences, this site proves that equations can be art too!

Amazing art

What else can I say? Oh! Great concept!

Feeling Stress?

Remember how much you love bubble wrap when you're young and whenever you get your filthy paws on a piece of it, no matter the size, it's popping heaven? Relive it!

Tickle me
Taking artificial interaction a step furthur... not much.... then again, maybe not.

The above are some of the sites I stumbled upon when I'm bored.
Everyone should be StumbleUpon! Then you can all rate this "blog" as kick-ass!! That aside, you can get to sites that you don't usually get to unless you have absolutely nothing to do. Then again, you'll probably only use it when you have nothing to do but hey! It makes your job of having nothing better to do easier!

Thursday, April 21, 2005

anything can be sick

By emphasizing the right words, making the right sounds, add in a little help from the "air quotes", anything can sound sick. It's a lost art but it's kick-ass fun! Selfish as I may be, I'm pretty damn generous when it comes to the spread of information! It's free! What have I got to lose?

I'll start by explaining the syntax of this tutorial on how to make anything sound suggestive and sick.

I will start off by writing the original sentence. I will then write the same sentence with some words in italic, sometimes encase some words with "quotes" and sometimes extending certain words. I will end it off with an explaination, some people are that fucking slow.

:: this is where I saved as a draft. I completed the fucking long kick-ass post, as you'll come to know after you read it, it got lost because blogger FUCKED UP!! BIG TIME!! KNNBCCB!!!::

The words in italic will be those that needs to be emphasized. Words that need to be furthur emphasized will be bold. The "quotes" are cues for you to execute the air quotes which I will furthur explain shortly. The extended words will be read like any normal english word.

Now to explain the air quotes. I'm sure you've seen at least one of the Austin Powers movies, if not you do not belong here so just fuck off, and in it, Dr Evil will always do the air quote when saying certain words. Still don't get it? Ok here's how it's done. Start off with the victory sign( the gay V thingy with your fore and middle finger) on both hands. When saying the word that needs to be air quoted, bend your fore and middle fingers twice on both hands. Make sure your hands are in line for maximum effect. Get it yet?! If no, fuck off.

To ensure that the sentences I'll use as examples are random, I'll use the blogger bar at the top of the page. I'll use the first sentence in the 3rd post of any ENGLISH blog that appears when i click on "Next Blog". Simple, random, no cheating. Here goes.

Eg. 1:

There's been this guy walking just ahead of us for a while, and I take notice because he's walking at pretty much the same speedy pace we move at.

There's been this guy "walking" just ahead of us for a while, and I take notice because he's "walking" at pretty much the same speedy pace we move at.

Emphasis on the guy brings the listener to the attention that the subject is a male doing something. Air quoting walking suggests that the guy is doing anything other than walking and this thing he's doing is not something normal people openly discuss. Emphasis on notice suggests that the guy is doing something special and has had the attention of the speaker for a while already. Emphasis on same speedy pace suggests that the speaker is also engaging in the same activity as the guy and said activity is one that is repetitive to a certain extent. We later know that the speaker is not doing the activity alone but with someone else.

Eg. 2:

This is an oldie but a goodie.. I've seen a version of this code from the old VAX days.

This is an oldie but a gooodie.. I've seen a version of this "code" from the old VAX days.

Emphasis on oldie and goodie suggests that the subject is a person or object of significant age but is still working pretty damn fine contrary to popular belief. Now what exactly are old people not good at? A long list eh? SEX!! Emphasis on seen and the air quoting of code almost certainly determines that the said subject is an object of age that still functions well. Said object is also one which got a name that many will find uncomfortable saying. Dick damnit! DICK! It also suggests that the speaker encountered the object before some time in his past which he is very much proud of. So here, the speaker is speaking of an old man's package which he finds is still working well, and that it reminds him of another old man's package he encountered some time in his glorious past. SICK BASTARD!!!

Eg. 3:

well here i am...trying to blog...but my mouse spoilt and i also not in that mood to blog....

well here i am...trying to "blog"...but my "mouse" spoilt and i also not in that mood to "blog"....

Emphasis on trying suggests that the speaker is doing something that he's done before but is unable to do now. Air quoting blog suggests that whatever the speaker is doing is sick enough that an alternate name needs to be used to replace the original name of the act. Air quoting mouse suggests that the mouse is not a real mouse but is actually refering to something else. Emphasis on 'not in that mood' with suggests that the speaker is doing something that requires one to be in the mood. The extra emphasis on that is simply because that is such an ambiguous word when used in any context that it's perfect to be suggestive! So basically, the speaker here is trying to do something forbidden in a sense but is having difficulty because his device in need is not functional and he is also not in the mood for it. hmm....

Eg. 4:

to their homes on the craps tables and the Casinos the battle to legalize gambling; last year, despite extravagant marketing campaigns launched by casino interests (they spent $16.5 million in Florida), every state that voted on the issue Casino lavishly funded gambling industry.

I can't do it! It's too fucking hard! This proves that some things are just so boring that no matter how much thought or work you put into it, it will NEVER EVER become more interesting! EVER!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


No, not the fucking Britney lame ass movie I never watch but still judge anyway. It doesn't take much of a dumbass to know a shitty movie when one so obvious comes along.

I was reading THE book, "Who Wrote The New Testament? : The Making of the Christian Myth" and at the same time, listening to what is commonly refered to as hallelujah music by Kenneth. If you do not see the irony in that, kill yourself.

I seriously need to read the Christian Bible, somebody get me a copy of it! I refuse to take sides so I'll need to know everything there is to know before I make any decisions. I'm less than a third through the book and so far, it's presented to me various new insights. Sometimes, it's as if I'm reading what I have in mind but never got to pen. However, with my limited knowledge of the Bible, I can't make reference and hence the information laden read is pretty much a DAMN chore!

I'll finish the book with or without references; I'll probably try to get a copy of it from MPH someday if I ever get a chance to. So until then, I'll try to picture and make sense of a bulk of what Burton Mack wrote without killing myself in the process.

Anyway, I was having breakfast and saying how much the conclave and the election of the new Pope reminds me of Angels and Demons.

me: the conclave, the new pope and all, damn Angels and Demons.

At this moment, my Catholic friend Joshua pointed out to me that the conclave and the Pope came first, not whatever Dan Brown wrote in "Angels and Demons". Just because I know of it from the book doesn't mean that it came before the real thing. Obviously I know that but it's still fun to put it in the light. More importantly, what Joshua said triggered in me a chain of thoughts.

The world came to know about Jesus through the Bible. The Bible is commonly known to be written by Jesus's diciples about Jesus himself. However, which came first? The Jesus portrayed or what's written about him?

Also, I've been wanting to ask people this for a long time already, would you stop being a Christian IF you find out that what's written in the Bible is mythology? What's important is the teachings of Jesus and not Jesus himself not? So why is it that Christians refuse to consider the logical side of things and that a dead an cannot be revived? Don't you find the Bible to be filled with contradictions, loopholes and so many things that doesn't make sense?

The Bible contains only stories, and each story can be interpreted in different ways to give an array of messages. That's why pastors can teach every week without ever running out of material when the Bible is only this thick. - Kenneth

Does that not prove the importance of the teachings of Jesus and not the man himself? The teachings of Jesus are essentially the teachings of the Pastor not? I haven't read the Bible, which is why I so damn should, but from what I've heard so far, Jesus never actually explained his actions and his words. They are interpreted by his followers into the teachings of today.

No? Prove it! GET ME A BIBLE!!

bounded by history.

Ever wonder why some things are the way they have been for so long and somehow NEVER change? Say the fork and spoon, they come in different sizes and designs but they are fundamentally the same. All these years, the spoon is still and spoon and the fork is still a fork. Doesn't it puzzle you as to why a spoon is shaped like a spoon while a fork is shaped like a fork even to this day?

Because there's no other way to fashion a fork and spoon?

Perhaps, but by saying that, you are still bounded by the concept and the initial design of the fork and spoon.

Why change something that's perfect?

It's not so much a correction, but more of an alternative. It's never bad to have options. If you look around, you'll notice that a lot of the items you come into contact with daily are like the fork and spoon. They've been the same since a long time ago.

The reason behind this is not only because they provide a solution to the problem they were first invented to solve ages ago, one must also take into consideration the limits imposed on the human brain by pre-existing concepts and ideas.

The steering wheel for example, it's been in existence since the days for the very first cars. In fact, the very first steering wheels probably came from ships, since they come before cars duh. The concept of a wheel as a steering device is still being put to use. They exist when the steering wheel is directly connected to the axles of the vehicle and even in modern cars where there is a computer medium between the driver and the wheels. In the past, the wheel would seem like an ideal solution for steering because of it's analog system where the sharpness of your vehicle's turn is determined by how much you turn the steering wheel. That however is not necessary the case in the world today. If the steering of a vehicle is passed from human to a computer which in turn steers the vehicle, a steering device in the shape of a wheel will not be necessary. Pressure sensitive buttons or levers can be used to indicate how much one wants a vehicle to turn if a computer medium is present, it does not need to take the shape of a wheel. It's much simpler to fashion a steering device consisting of buttons or levers than than one that's shaped like a wheel.

The steering wheel remains because people are used to using it.

This explains why there're so little instances of true creativity. Most creative ideas are rehashes of existing ideas with a few extra ingredients.

Another example would be the design of commercial air planes, fuselage and wings, currently in used. The technology used is pretty much the same now as when it first appeared, even when there are now better, energy efficient and space saving designs, the winged shaped planes, the steps that need to be taken to implement it are too numerous and troublesome such that it's easier to just let things remain the way is it.

Convenience over improvement, a common trend in people. Change hardly takes place in the absence of a revolution. The sad truth is that the current social structure of today's society forbids the existence of revolutions. Our creativity is limited by what we already know, the dire consequence of change and the shadow of the past successes.

Why change something that's perfect?

Because I can.

Monday, April 18, 2005


Damn it fuck shit!! Typed this long entry `bout PT and shit and was halfway through it when my browser fucked up! Alas, I'll try to recreate it.

Today was a day with PT. It started off on a bad note because of PT! What the fuck is it with PT anyway?! I joined the SAFBANDS so I don't ever have to do PT again! I was wrong. Now I have to do wretched PT at least once a week and that SUCKS!

I can never understand why people like exercise, especially jogging, running, whatever you call it. It's slow, tedious and makes you sweat! It leaves you sticky until you take a bath and that sucks since more often than not, we don't have time for that in camp. More often than not, I'll try to skip PT but was almost never successful.

I have this plan for this year's IPPT by the way, since I'm supposedly "combat fit" so I have to take it. I plan to fail it all the way. Every time there's an IPPT, it's always followed by stand-down, rest. Which means all I have to do, is spend about an hour doing whatever needs to be done but ensuring that I fail at least 1 station, not that I have much of a choice, pull-ups. And I get to sleep for the rest of the morning. Perfect! It doesn't matter whether I fail it or not since I wouldn't need to attend RT, remedial training, next year because of ORD!!! It's flawless, perfect!!

Anyway there was this short run today and some people are excused because they really are while some just excuse themselves for no valid reason. My friend Nicholas is one who's really excused but there is this other, NeoTech. Normally, they would never be caught in a conversation but given the special circumstance here, Nic pretty much didn't have a choice.

NeoTech: eh. i modified my car (hyundai getz)

Nic: uh huh. so what did you do to it?

This is where everybody starts wondering what exactly in jessie's name did he do to his car that's not worth doing anything to. The words "modified car" often triggers one towards the chain of thought ranging from improved performance to appearance which in turn leads to one thinking maybe he upgraded the suspension, or got himself some cool bodykit or even change his rims or whatever. But no, the answer was nothing short of a surprise.

NeoTech: I changed my antenna.

Nic: ... and...?

NeoTech: I changed my horn.

Enough said.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

bitches and bastards

Was talking with my pal Kenneth last night and got to realise that as much as we like calling one another bitches and bastards within the group, there isn't really a clear defination of bitches and bastards and even though most people get it right most of the time, there are times when it's used in the wrong context. Some people just use it such that if the subject is a girl, bitch, and a guy, bastard. Wrong! There's much more behind these 2 versatile words.

The common defination of bitch would be someone that fucking whines too much about EVERYTHING possible. One that talks bad shit about others behind their backs and pretend to be friends up front.

A good example of a bitch would be someone you know hates you but still smiles at you and laugh at your jokes.

As for the bastard, it's someone that doesn't give a shit about how anyone feels. A bastard is a rebel and will tell a fat ass in the face that he's a fat obnoxious swine. He will have no guilt when making fun of others and enjoys the reaction of whoever he makes fun of.

A good example of a bastard would be me.

So you see, the bitch and the bastard is not restricted by gender. Everyone can be a bitch or a bastard. However the bitch and bastard are fundamentally 2 very different persona. It's quite impossible to be both at the same time since it'll be hard to make fun of someone and still pretend to be his friend and yet talk bad about him when he's not around. These are rare cases and they are masters at the art of deception and human manipulation.

Such a master would be Kenneth.

When I think about bitch, I inevitably think of grace and that post she wrote on her very very seldom updated blog. I went over there to have a quick read before posting here which made me realise that her defination of bitch is in no way similar to mine. However I know that she will agree with my defination since 1)I'm right. 2)She uses my defination more. 3)I'm right.


It was a morning few days ago. My dad couldn't fetch me to camp so I was up earlier than usual. IT was still dark when I left home but thanks to Singapore's superb street lighting system, everything's pretty much visible. The first creature I saw when I step out from my gate is this gigantic common garden snail. That got me thinking, what the fuck is with the snail?!

It moves slow, melts on contact with salt (verified this myself a few years ago at grace's), carries with it a useless "hard" shell. I mean what the fuck?! It's a hermaphrodite!! That's GAY!! It eats plants, with what I don't know, much like most other garden creatures but hell the other garden pests don't leave goo all over my fucking floor!! Don't fuck me with the slugs are just as bad since I KNOW that! Let's not go into details here, a slug is but a SNAIL without a shell, it's homeless snail, a poor snail, hippy.

Why is it that other creatures out there become extinct when here it is, right there in front of me, an abomination meant to be extinct but still exist? Speaking of which, there are lots of creatures out there that ought to be extinct.

Mosquitoes! Fucking little pieces of blood sucking shit! Spreads so many fucking diseases and somehow no one took steps to exterminate them!

But they are all part of the intricate ecosystem which would be displaced if any of them were to be forcefully removed.

Fuck you! As if I care! This intricate ecosystem of yours is changing more often than you changing your underwear! If it's constant, everything WILL die which pretty much rules everything ecologists say bullshit.

Ironically, I remember being pretty happy when I got the "young ecologists" badge in primary( grade) school! I draw a few pictures and poof! I got the cool looking badge. I also remember getting the young meteorologist, entomologist, ornithologist, hmm what else? I lost all of them anyway. I wonder if they still have that in primary school. It was pretty fun doing all those cards for the badges. Most of you, close to my age and living in Singapore, probably got the zoologist and botanist badges. So many people have them it's GAY.

Saturday, April 16, 2005


I'm thinking if you read stuff here, you read stuff on Janice's too. So you'll probably already know the results of the SYF Central Judging for DHSSB. Just for the records, and in case you do not read Janice's, they got Gold with Honours and they are the Top 3 secondary school band in singapore.

Perhaps I'm born to be a prophet since I know. I mean I actually expected the results to be. No shock, no surprises. I know they were there the moment they stopped playing.

The first note was magic. A tuning note it may be but it was perfect. The sound was fantastic despite the shitty acoustics of the hall. I can't really judge since I only heard that many bands play but they sure as hell sounded good.

I'm an asshole, I pick on tiny shit people don't really care about. There was this one part in the set piece which sounded weird when I heard the first band play it, it's a transition but it sounds damn weird and the 2 parts don't link well because of it. I thought it might be the problem with the band so I listened out for that same part when the next band played. Sure enough, the same part sounded weird, which led me to conclude that the piece sucks. Then DHSSB came on stage and I wonder how they would play that shitty part and try to make it sound nice. I couldn't find the part. I strained my ears for little shit, and I'm pretty good with little shit, but found none. They ARE THAT GOOD!!

I was convinced of their greatness. Not because I was from there, or for any other reason personal. They are great because they worked for it and they got the reward they deserve.

This SYF thing is making me gay. Such serious conventional writing. No fun at all. What the fuck happened to me?!

Photographer 1: Ready? 1.. 2... 3...

Photographer 2: 3... 2... 1...

Me: my god...

Kenneth: amen....

We are bastards who think a like in too many ways.

Friday, April 15, 2005

a-xian posts stuff.

see... wat did i tell you... haha... Posted by Hello

clarinets!! in case you're thinking that the picture's blur, IT'S NOT... it's the shimmering keys that are glistening in the light... by the way, THAT'S A NEW Eb CLARINET Posted by Hello

yup, that's the 'fossil'... hehe... nonethless endearing! haha... and yes, grace and kellyn are STILL mad fun-loving pp...  Posted by Hello

for those who missed the SUPERB music... here! at least you get to see the scores... haha... Posted by Hello

yeah! the xiao-you la-la-dui!! Posted by Hello

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Janice Ambigram

It's been a while since I did any art so I'm pretty glad I still got it somehow. I encountered my first fatal mistake with this piece. I actually forgot 1 whole character when I first did this and I didn't realise it until I completed the damn thing in flash. The absence of that character caused me loads of shit cos with it, the job was a hell lot easier. So there, here's Janice for you.

[Edit] Feedback from Kenneth. "dun like the N, like the rest." I kind of feel the same, the N stands out unnaturally. Like a sudden change of style. May fix another day.

something to curse with...

Southpark is so cool. It's taught me a lot. Like the following... in just 1 episode.

when you know someone you hate and he's as described, tell him.
fat racist self centered intollerant manipulating sociopath.

when someone is fucking out of his mind.
servere dementia.

when you can't think of anything else to scold.
no good stinking jew.

when someone is so fucking stupid, he doesn't know that everyone else hates him.
aggrevated repressed memory syndrome.

when someone is psychotic.
stupid psychotic brain.

when someone is stupid enough to believe you.
everlasting peace, eternal rest and ten thousand dollars cash.

Imagine someone in 4th grade saying that! Totally sweet! 4th grade! 4th fucking grade! That's like primary 4 here in sg. That's 10 fucking years old! Totally fucking sweet! When I was 10, giving someone the finger was cool and frowned upon. Eat shit 10 year old me! Enriching my life almost weekly for the past few years, I must really give it up for the creators of SouthPark. How can ANYONE think of such shit. On a weekly basis at that. Off the top of my head, I can remember a few classics.

Kyle's Mum.

when someone is anal about something.
Sand in his vagina.

plain cursing
Blood belching vagina.

something out of point.
All the other times I said you're a big dumb jew, I didn't mean it. You're not a jew.

blood drenched frozen tampon popsicles.

99 hit air combo max
fuck shit cock ass dirty bottom bitch pussy darn butthole barbra streisand!

ok I lied. It's not ALL off the top of my head... most are.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

we were there...

This will probably be one of the few posts here with any relevance to my life in anyway. It's the first post with any relevance as far as I can remember.

It's the SYF Concert Band Competition Central Judging for Secondary Sch this week and in 2 days, DHSSB will be going up on stage for their shot at the Gold with Honours. DHSSB took up a whole chunk, pictionary eh..., of my life and they deserve to be mentioned here. Everyone from my batch will, I'm damn sure my senior and junior batches will too, be rooting for them so I don't believe in praying in normal circumstances but this, this is a special case, let's all pray from them.

So there. In the last SYF, there were 30 gold bands. This time, there's no more "Top 5 Bands" so they came up with this shit called Gold with Honours, which is like a grade above Gold, which is also stupid! It devalues the Gold we worked so hard for 4 years ago as one of my dear friends, yixian, said.

I'm going to establish a fact here, not another one of those facts I establish almost daily, a real one. We were there. 4 years ago when we went on stage and played our hearts and souls, we emerged with no regrets. We made it. We WERE THERE! This is not some self consoling or whatever. It's a fact. Nothing that happens now will change that fact. The change in the judging, scoring and award system doesn't change the fact that we were there.

I've said it before nothing can be undone, nothing.

I'm in serious shit here... What I just wrote is TOTALLY GAY but it's how I truely feel. Damn.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

fucking useless...

As a follow up to Junyuan's post on chindogu inventions. Here's one I found and trust me, this is TOTALLY useless. I mean seriously.

Overclock a Toothbrush

Like why the fuck would anyone want to do that?

Monday, April 11, 2005

the passion

Yes I'm talking about the movie by Mel Gibson. The title is not irrelevant as opposed to my previous posts.

The first time I watch that movie was a few days ago at girly-me's, jan's, place. How should I put it? Straight to the point? I'm a sadistic bastard but not void of emotions. Yeah, that about summarises it all.

With all the hype for that movie, the papers, the magazines, the people around me telling me how gory it is, Kenneth said he looked away!, I kind of expected more. I didn't take my eyes away from the screen, not a single moment, and damn it looks real. With every new torture device introduced, I first register shock but after a while, the trashing gets monotonous and it's the same thing repeated again and again more or less. That's when I start thinking how the hell they did it, it's either great props or fantastic CGI or a lot of both! You might say I'm not focusing on the essence of the movie but trust me, I did that.

Quote Moses(Kenneth's friend, not the one in 10 Commandments):
I cried like a baby. Because it happened to someone we know and he did it for us.

I didn't cry nor tear but I did have, in jan's words, a rare look of disgust. I will not deny that Jesus is a great man, never did. But to me, he is just a Great MAN. I applaud his sacrifices. If I were in his shoes, I'd cry bloody murder and beg for my life, I probably wouldn't have done it for anyone, probably..., and I'd think of other ways to prove my point. That's simply because I'm only a simple person living in this world typing this whatever-you-call-it in the comfort of my room.

Like I said before, I do not belive in Jesus and I still don't. I do not believe that he's the only way to God and I stand by my views.

As for why I was able to not turn away when so many did, I'll attribute it to the fact that after hearing all the stories of how gross and bloody the movie was, I set myself a pretty high gore threshold. I was braced to be hit by a tsunami in blood and gore. What I saw was bloody but not enough to blow me away since I'm mentally prepared.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

something to look forward to.

Remember the squirrel with the 2 gigantic fangs, desperate for the acron? The now epic sabretooth squirrel from Ice Age? Well, you'll be seeing more of him pretty soon, maybe not, in 2006. Well that's what the teaser said anyway. So there, Ice Age 2

everyone is born racist.

I believe the title speaks for itself so here's why.

I've had this theory for a long time now and until now, no one, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE, can prove me wrong. Now you must be thinking that it's impossible but please, hear me out.

I'm sure that when you were young, there would be times when you step into the lift with your mother, or father or whatever, and in it you see a bangla. I'm pretty DAMN sure you hid behind your mother. If you're a bangla child then the case would be if you saw a chinese person, the idea is that the person is very much different from you are.

So there. You might not remember it since you are soooo young back then but rest assured, you hid behind your mother.

There you have it, I've established that everyone is born racists. If you disagree, you are in denial and you are wrong.

In my never ending quest to make the world a better and more knowledgeble place, I'm going to inform you on how to make a bulb bomb of sorts. I am only informing you of a possible way to make something that most people thought to be hard to do, da bomb. The information you are about to acquire is meant for educational purposes only and if you intend to do harm to anyone with it, just fuck off, suck cock and die.

The basic structure of a bomb consists of the fuel/explosive and the detonator. The fuel/explosive part of it is complex part of this enigmatic device. Many people think of time-based detonators, sensors, crap you see in all those sci-fi movies and all.

I'm not a professional or anything so I don't know, not telling you anyway, how to make all those complex detonators but there is a simple way to make a effective detonator.

Start with a regulat filament bulb. Remove the crown of it without damaging it. Fill half the tear-drop with the fuel and reattach it to the metal casing of the bulb. And it's done, you have a simple working bulb bomb. Now screw it into the lamps or whatever and wait for the magic to happen.

Here's how it works. When the person unknowingly switches on the light in the dark room, the electricity would heat the filament rapidly in a matter of nanoseconds. The heat would ignite the fuel and cause the bulb to explode.

This is effective pretty much only as a practical joke so if you want to kill someone or something, this is not for you.

Friday, April 08, 2005

we have no fat friends... the prequel :: bus ride.

So we've sort of established the fact that we have no fat friends.
Now you must wonder how in the name of God did we realise something like this in the first place. It's not exactly the kind of thing that you just remember, not to forget the fact the it evaded us for so many years. Here's how it happened.

Setting: On bus 14, going towards Bedok 85, the ba-cho-mee place, to meet up with girly-me(janice), yixian, grace, zhihui, for supper. We're talking about the up coming short film project, which would probably kick ass!

Kenneth: eh, I thought of more stuff for Family Portrait...

Yuanqin: ok. say.

Conversation classified. Just know that we're discussing about the main actress.
Then at some stop, a fat girl came on the buss with some of her friends, they spoke loudly about stuff.

Kenneth: hey! maybe the girl can be fat.

Yuanqin: No.

Kenneth: we can ask her to act! she's perfect for the part!

Yuanqin: No!

Kenneth: come on! think about it. we don't have to pay her or anything! just give her cheap food!

Yuanqin: seriously NO! How can the girl be fat? It's just not right.

Kenneth: maybe... but it'll be cool if the girl is fat! that's why she's so delusional!

Yuanqin: hey! I just realised. We Have No Fat Friends! ( I said this out real loud on purpose.)

Kenneth: No. that's not true. We only hate troll that's all.

Yuanqin: really? think of someone.

Kenneth: ....

Kenneth: no shit! we have no fat friends!

Yeah that's about it. It's not exactly accurate since I can't divulge much information on the upcoming hit FP. Sensationalised to a large entent extent. Plus it's quite some time ago and I really can't remember much of that conversation. I did say "we have no fat friends" real loudly for the girl to hear, that's a plus! I'm evil, but that doesnt' change the fact that I'm perfect.

PS: LOTR is cool. It sent yixian on a emmotional roller coaster ride. The apex of which is when Legolas took a bath, yes I know this scene doesn't exist but she fell asleep for a while halfway through and I'm guess guessing that's in her dream, the trench is when the trolls knock the gates down.

[Edit] Corrections made teacher.

seriously... lol...

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

i'm so bored... somebody kill me now...

There are quite a number of times in the past month or so, where I find myself to be void of activity. With absolutely nothing interesting to do!! No anime to watch, no books to read, no articles to read, no movies to watch, no interest to watch season X episode X of Friends for the Xth time, no games to play. no one to chat with online, th list goes on forever.

My progress in art came to a stand still sometime last year. I attribute it partly to the fact that nothing interesting ever happens in my life, I don't think much will happen for the next year at least. Monotonous and shitty, that's pretty much what my life is like now. If this were to be a regular hey-I-did-this-and-that today blog, you'd be seeing a lengthy post daily which is a complete rehash of the post I posted the previous day. I'll rephrase myself and write long lengthy reports of my daily routine with minute differences between each iteration. If I get bored enough and is desperate of some activity, I'd probably pop in my Visual Studio CD and install Visual C++. Then I'll probably spend the next hour or 2 refreshing my memory on the many forgotten syntaxes that I used to have at my fingertips. After that, I'll probably write a few recursive functions, given enough time and information, that will contain all the basic rules of english, grammer, and make it analyse my daily entry and in turn churn out in a few nano-seconds a rehashed version of my previous post. I'll probably need to reference the program to an online dictionary & thesaurus to get as many variations of my post as possible. As you all know, computers are never perfect as far as language is concerned. After a few iterations, the contents of my post will most definately be completely different from the very fist original post, as illustrated in the example below.

Joseph - ding ding - Joey - ding ding - baby kangaroo - ding ding - infant herbivorous marsupial of the family Macropodidae - ding ding - newborn vegie eating animal with pouch of the genre large-podidae

you get the idea.

here's another.

Zhiqin - ding ding - Cai Zhiqin - ding ding - CZQ - ding ding - smelly fat ass - ding ding - pungent obese donkey - ding ding - odoriferous avoirdupois domesticated ass - ding ding - smelly fucking heavy house shithead - ding ding - troll.

there you go again. I'm too bored.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


I may not believe in Jesus, or Buddha, or Krishna, or Allah, or whoever else you believe in. But I still believe in a hell lot of things.
I believe in God. I believe he exists. I believe in the existence of a greater being. I also believe that he wouldn't interfere with our lives.

I don't believe in Karma, what you give is what you get returned, doesn't happen. If you do good, you do good. If you did something bad, you did something bad. Anything that results from your actions are consequences, be it good or bad. If you did something good in the past, and something good happens now, it is in no way related. Good things happen to people everyday, it's part of life. Same goes for bad things, if something bad happens to you, it's not because you did something bad in the past. Shit happens everyday, not something to make a mountain out of.

I belive things cannot be undone. What's done is done, you can make admendments, to make up for wrong, but you can never erase the fact that the wrong is done.

I believe in life. I believe it holds in itself a value above all. I believe no life is worth more nor less than another. I believe that one can never be replaced. One can be forgotten, to a certain extent, but never replaced.

I belive in death. I hate it, but I still believe in it. I think life is short, too short. I want to know what is to come, to know the unknown future.

I believe in memories. I believe that everything we've seen, read, experienced, we remember. I believe that you can and will be able to recall everything down to the smallest detail. I believe we can never lose memories, we can forget to do things, but the fact that we know that we forgot, shows that we remember.

I believe in faith. I believe it's possible to trust someone else completely. Without any fear or doubts. I believe that some people I know deserves that very least from me. If I ever happen to trust, to believe, the wrong person, shit happens.

I believe in knowledge. I belive in science. I belive in what I know.

This is life as I perceive it to be.

ding ding ding...

Many times during the glorious affair, Sara joined me here, and we studied together with our chairs sitting snugly side by side. We could giggle and laugh, and no one cared. We could kiss and touch and no one saw. At this moment, in the depths of this depression and sorrow, I can almost smell her perfume.

I really should find another place in this sprawling labyrinth to study. Now, when I stare at the panels around me, I see her face and remember the feel of her legs, and I'm immediately overcome with a deadening heartache that paralyzes me. She was here, just weeks ago! And now someone else is touching those legs.

Ringing any bells yet?! If yes, it's probably because you've read it somewhere before, say, I don't know, maybe, "The Rainmaker" by John Grisham. Yeah! It's pretty much probably that. That or you know exactly how the guy feels.

By the way, great book. Well worth the 18 bucks spent on it. As of typing this sentence, I'm a thrid through it and so far, been a great read. I wouldn't recomend it to my lawyer gonnabe friends though. Somethings are better left unsaid until you find our for yourself. Then again, the book's fiction and it's set in America.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

what the fuck kind of logic is that?

When you fail to do something, the fact that you did it before doesn't mean a thing! So what if you've done it before? Doesn't change the fact that you failed to do it now does it?! The worst thing is almost everyone is doing it!! When you fail to do something you're supposed to, apologise! How fucking hard can that be?

I hate this! Since when is it that one event can make up another? But I did this for you the last time. Fuck! I'm sure I thanked you the last time too. It's history!

I'm not pissed or angry with anyone in particular, I realised it seems so but I'm really not targeting anyone. SO let me get this straight. The next time, if you, I mean the reader and that's you damnit!, made a mistake or something along that line, just give the real reason, even if you have to give an excuse because the truth is really that hard to tell, use a good one and not some lame I-did-this-&-that-before crap. When an excues is shitty, more often than not, I will know. If I know that it's not the truth, I'll push for the truth. That will make 1 more person pissed off, you, and it will waste the time and energy of at least 2 people, me & you! And since I'm always right, don't fuck around with me. I'm pissed! I said I'm not pissed with anyone in particular, that's still true, I'm just plain pissed for no specific reason.

=DazZed & CoNfuSed= ExAMS!! StReSS!!:
but imust admit sometimes i do tat too....

Negoki :
everyone does it... i dunno why it pisses me off a lot...

=DazZed & CoNfuSed= ExAMS!! StReSS!!:
i think pple do it as a form of 'self consolation' and make things better...thinking tat it sounds better....w/o realising that the person on the receiving end ends up feeling worst

Negoki :
well... i think it's selfish... if i'd feel a lot better if the person'd just said sorry, it slipped my mind or it's an honest mistake, i mean, that's probably the truth and it's a valid REAL reason...

=DazZed & CoNfuSed= ExAMS!! StReSS!!:
well..everyone fears telling the truth...for some werid reason or another... we always come up with excuses.....but i dunno y, maybe fear?

Above is part of the conversation I had with a friend regarding the lame-ass excuses issue.

Fear. Is that it? Fear's the reason? Fear of telling the truth. Fear of what's to come. Fear of facing the music. Is that it? Think about it, if you made an excuse to hide the truth, chances are sooner or later, the person WILL find out, and then what? Wouldn't you get even more shit? Let's say you pull it off, the person didn't find out. And then what? You're just going to keep making excuse after excuse? Even if the person doesn't find out the first time, what makes you think he wouldn't find out the second or third time? And when that happens, it's a domino effect, all the shit will come right back at you like if you **wrap a piece of sodium in a lot of toilet paper and flush it down the bowl...

So my advice to you is, you have to take it anyway, the next time you're faced with such a situation, just fucking tell the truth.

**Note: Sodium is something really cool to have. It's hard to come by but if you EVER get your hands on one piece of this gem, no matter how small it is, wrap it in a LOT, I mean a fucking hell lot, of toilet paper, drop it, flush and run like hell! The reaction of sodium with the water in the sewers is a powerful force that deserves all due respect. If you stay around too long, I'm pretty damn sure, no, I'm FUCKING SURE you'll be screaming bloody murder! It's like being smacked by a herd of trolls. Now that would be a pretty amazing aroma.

I'm about to teach you something that will come in handy for the rest of your lives. The "Condo-Wave" !!
It's a secret technique and a closely guarded secret in the inner circle.

The "Condo-Wave" will give you access to, you guessed it, CONDOS!

It works when you're visiting a friend and don't want to bother him/her by having the guard house call him/her and verify that he/she is in fact expecting guests. It's also great when you always forget your pass, you should probably get to know the guards in this case. Or if you're in a cab and is just plain lazy to show your pass.

So much for how useful it can be, here's how.
Do not mistake this for a regular wave, the Condo-Wave is not really a wave, it's a gesture. It conveys the message hi-it's-me-you-might-not-know-me-but-I-live-here-so-open-the-damn-gate-already.
When you reach the gate, you raise your hand, palm facing out, and lower it in a single fluid motion. Act nonchalant! It is very important that you make it seem like you own the damn place. When the deed is done, it's good to acknowledge the hard work of the, possibly fat, guard and do the Condo-Wave again, this time it means thank-you.

So there you have it. It's like a Condo masterkey.

[Edit] Kenneth insists that he came up with the Condo-Wave. So whatever. "Condo-Wave", credits Kenneth. Kudos to you.
I came up with Got Milk. I did! I really did! I should've written it down! - Ross, Friends

we have no fat friends...

A short one today, I've been told I write too much like that can ever happen.

As the title suggests, WE HAVE NO FAT FRIENDS!
WE as in Me, Kenneth, Janice, Yixian, Grace, etc. The DHSSB ppl more or less. Thknk about it. As much as you'd like to believe that you not in no way bias against fat ppl, when we come together, the group will subconsciously eliminate fat ppl. The collective of us is prejudice against FAT people... and stupid people... and smelly people... and weird people... and animals... wait, there's Grace...

I'm not saying none of us have fat friends, I have a few of my own, but it's just that if we all know the person and he's fat, chances are he's not our friend. Now how fat must this person be you ask, think troll.

There you go. Short.

Friday, April 01, 2005

there's no XXXL to some clothes for a reason.

Call me mean, evil, whatever you want! I'll agree with you, then I'll prove to you that you are in fact the SAME. Anyway, I was just at Kang's blog reading through his stuff, pretty interesting I must say, and I chance upon his "Stop Gays" entry on march 20th 2005. There is this one line that reminded my of something I'd really rather have forgotten.


Indeed, quite a description. I'll have to agree, some people do look like that but there's really nothing wrong unless I actually see them. And one of those I DID see. I'll never forget that afternoon, I was walking out of camp and outside the smelly shop, I call it that because it's SMELLY, this woman was sitting there, smoking.
She's wearing a pink spaghatti-strap top and white 3/4 pants. Normally it would have been fine but did I not mention what reminded me of her?! She was FAT UGLY OLD WRINKLY DISGUSTING! She was almost bursting out of her top, thank God she didn't! There's a reason why they don't make clothes like that in XXXL sizes. No one's does that so get the idea already! If you are fat, save yourself and the eyes of others by wearing more cloth! Fats + bulging in no way equate to a feast for the eyes.
Wait, there's more! Yes, you got that right! I'm not done with the gross @_#)$*)(*%!

Just as I walk pass her, I noticed that she's revealing way fucking hell lot more than someone like her should. Her pants were too low and at the back, you can clearly see that she's wearing BRIGHT-FUCKING-RED underwear. If that's not a fist for the eyes, I don't know what is. I swear to God my pace ten-folded and the next thing I know, I was at the trafic junction.

Moral of the story is, not everyones' got a strong heart like me, there are people who WILL DIE if they see stuff that revolting. When a product is not manufactured to suit you, don't even try. It's exactly why there' no such thing as a uni-sex bra...

Global Warming

Micheal Crichton, this man is a genius. I've read almost all of his fiction works (didn't read Congo, Terminal Man, The Great Train Robbery cause Congo is about a monkey and the other 2 just don't have the cool title vibe thing to them that says readme...), all of which blew me away.

Every book I read tells me stuff I've never even heard of, introduce to me ideas so out of this world and yet so real. I'm halfway through his newest work, State of Fear, and, I must say, I'm already blown away by one simple fact. What troubles me more is not the content, but the implication of it.

Spoiler ahead but then again, fuck it! You have the right to know.
Global Warming is BULLSHIT!! Ok let me rephrase myself, what WE have been taught about Global Warming is bullshit, at least what I've been taught is.

Global Warming is a THEORY! Global Warming is a theory that the surface temperature rises from the increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Well, apparently, it's not happening! I'm not going to question MC's writing as far as facts are concerned, he did a hell lot of research, a 20 page bibliography, in State of Fear, to back up whatever he wrote. That is a hell lot of information! Want to know more, read the fucking book.

That's not what I care about. What bothers me is that everything we've been taught to this day might possibly be wrong as well. Imagine that! Imagine all the things we've not been told. Enough of this, I have no idea why I wrote it down anyway, it's not as if me writing it down will change anything.

So yeah, I'm in that point of time in life where I'm pretty damn free and aimless. There's pretty much nothing to do. No i'm not an infant, I'm in NS(National Service)! At least that's what most people call it, some of us that see it clearer call it conscription or cheap labour, which ever suits you better. I'll consider myself lucky since I don't have to paint my skin all black and green, wear ugly fatigues and run around the bushes with a shit load of stuff. I play an instrument, the euphonium ROCKS, in the SA-fucking-F BANDS. And if you think my day is simple, you are fucking right. Which is exactly why I have so much time to write so much shit that doesn't make sense and bend it such that somehow it does, at least some of it does, to me... Once again not my point! FUCK! I should just get to it before I forget. I forgot...

Maybe I'll remember later but first. It's come to my attention that most people, in fact everyone else I know but my evil pal kenneth, thinks it's wrong to laugh at dead people. What's wrong with that? If the person did something stupid, why NOT?! So what if he's dead? Doesn't change the fact that he did something stupid. I'm not talking about those unfortunate people who didn't have much of a choice, those I do not laugh at, I'm talking about perfectly sane homo-sapiens, humans, that are very much aware of their actions. When normal people do something stupid, they DESERVE to be laughed at! Most people won't even give it a second thought at laughing if they saw someone alive do something stupid, so what other variable is there other than the fact that the guy is not dead? He's got to be alive to do anything! Treat it as a delayed laugh, I'm laughing at what the guy did when he's alive, even if the stupid thing he did killed him, he did the stupid thing WHEN he's alive! I have every right to comment. If you still do not know who I'm talking about, you must not have spoken to me in the past few days, doesn't matter, I'll tell you who. The guy that got bumped by the MRT while trying to retrieve his shoe from the track. Seriously, who drops their shoe onto the MRT tracks in the first place? Shoes are designed to fit the foot of whoevers' wearing them. To drop a shoe, one must first be wearing a shoe that's lose. To drop anything near into MRT track, one must be beyond the fucking yellow line, who the fuck goes there in the first place? Putting those 2 together creates an impossible scenerio for anyone with a brain! Even if for some reason, your shoe did drop onto the track, you DO NOT retrieve it yourself!! I'm not even going to hold back with my words, it's simple TOO FUCKING STUPID!!

Let's see, I'll put myself in his shoes, I'm waiting for the MRT. Behind the yellow line.
I decide that it's pretty warm, SG weather is really FUCKED UP so this part is probably true, so I decided to loosen the laces on my shoe. Hell! It's still hot as fuck so I might as well just take it off. I did a little jump, it's a bad habit of mine, and forgot that my shoes are loose. One of it flew a short distance and landed on the MRT track. Very very smart me decided it's pretty damn easy to get it back, I just have to climb down, get it, climb up back onto the platform and that's it. 5 minutes, maybe I have more, the MRT stations sure as hell do not report the time until the next train arrives, is MORE than enough time for all that since I'm so agile and have the ability to jump from platform to track and then back again. So I went ahead on my quest to get my shoe back. It turns out I'm not as agile as I thought myself to be, my age must be catching up on me, and I took more time than desired to get down to the track. So I got my shoe anyway, yeah!, and while on my way back, I felt a rumbling and the next thing I know, I saw a BRIGHT LIGHT! A loud sound!(I may have made this up) Then there was darkness. Fuck I lost my shoe again...

I am so going to hell...