Wednesday, April 20, 2005


No, not the fucking Britney lame ass movie I never watch but still judge anyway. It doesn't take much of a dumbass to know a shitty movie when one so obvious comes along.

I was reading THE book, "Who Wrote The New Testament? : The Making of the Christian Myth" and at the same time, listening to what is commonly refered to as hallelujah music by Kenneth. If you do not see the irony in that, kill yourself.

I seriously need to read the Christian Bible, somebody get me a copy of it! I refuse to take sides so I'll need to know everything there is to know before I make any decisions. I'm less than a third through the book and so far, it's presented to me various new insights. Sometimes, it's as if I'm reading what I have in mind but never got to pen. However, with my limited knowledge of the Bible, I can't make reference and hence the information laden read is pretty much a DAMN chore!

I'll finish the book with or without references; I'll probably try to get a copy of it from MPH someday if I ever get a chance to. So until then, I'll try to picture and make sense of a bulk of what Burton Mack wrote without killing myself in the process.

Anyway, I was having breakfast and saying how much the conclave and the election of the new Pope reminds me of Angels and Demons.

me: the conclave, the new pope and all, damn Angels and Demons.

At this moment, my Catholic friend Joshua pointed out to me that the conclave and the Pope came first, not whatever Dan Brown wrote in "Angels and Demons". Just because I know of it from the book doesn't mean that it came before the real thing. Obviously I know that but it's still fun to put it in the light. More importantly, what Joshua said triggered in me a chain of thoughts.

The world came to know about Jesus through the Bible. The Bible is commonly known to be written by Jesus's diciples about Jesus himself. However, which came first? The Jesus portrayed or what's written about him?

Also, I've been wanting to ask people this for a long time already, would you stop being a Christian IF you find out that what's written in the Bible is mythology? What's important is the teachings of Jesus and not Jesus himself not? So why is it that Christians refuse to consider the logical side of things and that a dead an cannot be revived? Don't you find the Bible to be filled with contradictions, loopholes and so many things that doesn't make sense?

The Bible contains only stories, and each story can be interpreted in different ways to give an array of messages. That's why pastors can teach every week without ever running out of material when the Bible is only this thick. - Kenneth

Does that not prove the importance of the teachings of Jesus and not the man himself? The teachings of Jesus are essentially the teachings of the Pastor not? I haven't read the Bible, which is why I so damn should, but from what I've heard so far, Jesus never actually explained his actions and his words. They are interpreted by his followers into the teachings of today.

No? Prove it! GET ME A BIBLE!!


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