Saturday, April 16, 2005


I'm thinking if you read stuff here, you read stuff on Janice's too. So you'll probably already know the results of the SYF Central Judging for DHSSB. Just for the records, and in case you do not read Janice's, they got Gold with Honours and they are the Top 3 secondary school band in singapore.

Perhaps I'm born to be a prophet since I know. I mean I actually expected the results to be. No shock, no surprises. I know they were there the moment they stopped playing.

The first note was magic. A tuning note it may be but it was perfect. The sound was fantastic despite the shitty acoustics of the hall. I can't really judge since I only heard that many bands play but they sure as hell sounded good.

I'm an asshole, I pick on tiny shit people don't really care about. There was this one part in the set piece which sounded weird when I heard the first band play it, it's a transition but it sounds damn weird and the 2 parts don't link well because of it. I thought it might be the problem with the band so I listened out for that same part when the next band played. Sure enough, the same part sounded weird, which led me to conclude that the piece sucks. Then DHSSB came on stage and I wonder how they would play that shitty part and try to make it sound nice. I couldn't find the part. I strained my ears for little shit, and I'm pretty good with little shit, but found none. They ARE THAT GOOD!!

I was convinced of their greatness. Not because I was from there, or for any other reason personal. They are great because they worked for it and they got the reward they deserve.

This SYF thing is making me gay. Such serious conventional writing. No fun at all. What the fuck happened to me?!

Photographer 1: Ready? 1.. 2... 3...

Photographer 2: 3... 2... 1...

Me: my god...

Kenneth: amen....

We are bastards who think a like in too many ways.


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