Sunday, April 10, 2005

everyone is born racist.

I believe the title speaks for itself so here's why.

I've had this theory for a long time now and until now, no one, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE, can prove me wrong. Now you must be thinking that it's impossible but please, hear me out.

I'm sure that when you were young, there would be times when you step into the lift with your mother, or father or whatever, and in it you see a bangla. I'm pretty DAMN sure you hid behind your mother. If you're a bangla child then the case would be if you saw a chinese person, the idea is that the person is very much different from you are.

So there. You might not remember it since you are soooo young back then but rest assured, you hid behind your mother.

There you have it, I've established that everyone is born racists. If you disagree, you are in denial and you are wrong.

In my never ending quest to make the world a better and more knowledgeble place, I'm going to inform you on how to make a bulb bomb of sorts. I am only informing you of a possible way to make something that most people thought to be hard to do, da bomb. The information you are about to acquire is meant for educational purposes only and if you intend to do harm to anyone with it, just fuck off, suck cock and die.

The basic structure of a bomb consists of the fuel/explosive and the detonator. The fuel/explosive part of it is complex part of this enigmatic device. Many people think of time-based detonators, sensors, crap you see in all those sci-fi movies and all.

I'm not a professional or anything so I don't know, not telling you anyway, how to make all those complex detonators but there is a simple way to make a effective detonator.

Start with a regulat filament bulb. Remove the crown of it without damaging it. Fill half the tear-drop with the fuel and reattach it to the metal casing of the bulb. And it's done, you have a simple working bulb bomb. Now screw it into the lamps or whatever and wait for the magic to happen.

Here's how it works. When the person unknowingly switches on the light in the dark room, the electricity would heat the filament rapidly in a matter of nanoseconds. The heat would ignite the fuel and cause the bulb to explode.

This is effective pretty much only as a practical joke so if you want to kill someone or something, this is not for you.


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