Tuesday, April 05, 2005

ding ding ding...

Many times during the glorious affair, Sara joined me here, and we studied together with our chairs sitting snugly side by side. We could giggle and laugh, and no one cared. We could kiss and touch and no one saw. At this moment, in the depths of this depression and sorrow, I can almost smell her perfume.

I really should find another place in this sprawling labyrinth to study. Now, when I stare at the panels around me, I see her face and remember the feel of her legs, and I'm immediately overcome with a deadening heartache that paralyzes me. She was here, just weeks ago! And now someone else is touching those legs.

Ringing any bells yet?! If yes, it's probably because you've read it somewhere before, say, I don't know, maybe, "The Rainmaker" by John Grisham. Yeah! It's pretty much probably that. That or you know exactly how the guy feels.

By the way, great book. Well worth the 18 bucks spent on it. As of typing this sentence, I'm a thrid through it and so far, been a great read. I wouldn't recomend it to my lawyer gonnabe friends though. Somethings are better left unsaid until you find our for yourself. Then again, the book's fiction and it's set in America.


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