let me try semotinhg hree...
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a
wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset
can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid
deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
I'm srue you've seen the avboe smeoehwre bfreoe, so hree I am to see if it's ture.
I'll srtat wtih a rnat!
Mheotr-Fkuicn-Son-Of-A-BICTH!! I can't bevelie I wkoe up ltae taody! I'll be lionsg 2 dyas off, 1 form not gnoig & 1 csaue I wloud hvae to caler off on the day ervyneoe esle deos, puls I hvae to fkuncig lie to a dtcoor for a MC! I may not be the msot eitchal psreon you konw but I do not lkie lniyg. Paknrs are fnie, it's a taoltly dfrinfeet calss of its own! Liyng in a panrk is nsescaery! The tutrh wlil sfucare ocne the deed is dnoe and msot parkns don't lsat vrey lnog ulnses it's one of tsohe hlhgiy eblartoae pnlas lkie maentl anoahiltniin!
So there, it's fucking tiring to rearrange the characters of every single fucking word and although it might seem fun, it gets boring after a few phrases. Season 1 of Joey's done airing somewhere in the US so you can probably catch it on one of our local channels, in fact there's only 1 local channel that will possibly screen it, sometime in the near future. Word of advice, the first few episodes totally SUCK! They suck so much they can't possibly suck more! Kinda like Friends, the first episode in season 1 might as well be scrapped, it's so stupid and did I not mention that it SUCKS?!
Anyway, back to Joey, the later episodes got better and at some point, it's comparable to episodes from Friends of the later seasons.
SouthPark season 9 episode 3 aired on comedy central a few days ago too, it's call Wing btw. And I must say it is by far THE WORST SP episode EVER! Do not watch it! It's racist, stupid and lame... wait.
why is it that guys are so bitchy. why guys will try to outdo, upstage each other, just to substantiate their existence and make themselves feel better. all of us are like that, we insult each other's dressing, snort at each others' actions and we feel better when we gossip and trash out other males. wait... where have I seen this before... OH! It's THAT blog...
Hey I'm not judging, wait, THE HELL I AM!! It's the most pretentious blog I've ever seen.
I love all my friends! lalala~!! Seriously stop fucking around, NOBODY loves all their friends, if that's the case, the world will be a fucking mess, literally.(for the slow, this means the everyone would be fucking, having sex, doing it, getting it on, whatever you kids call it these days, with everyone.) I don't usually feel that strongly about fakes that make it seem like they own the world and everyone must agree with them, wait. What the fuck am I doing? Fucking waste of my time, oh... I'm JUST BORED!
Hell! Being bored is the best! It's when you're bored that you start having all those great ideas! I love being bored! Yet I hate being bored, it's the reason I started this "thing" in the first place. Boredom brings me lots of inspiration which is the exact same thing that kills it. Notice how erratic I am? I don't think I make sense!
Now for some Air TV quotes:
Watashi no tsubasa wa mo tobugoto watsurete shimashita
Watashi wa tsuto habataku hanedake yo kurigaishite kimashita kara
Tobenai tsubasa ni imiwa harunte shoka
my wings have forgotten how to fly…
because I’ve only been pretending to flap them.
I wonder if there is a point to wings that cannot fly…
Aren't those the best lines you've ever heard?
wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset
can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid
deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
I'm srue you've seen the avboe smeoehwre bfreoe, so hree I am to see if it's ture.
I'll srtat wtih a rnat!
Mheotr-Fkuicn-Son-Of-A-BICTH!! I can't bevelie I wkoe up ltae taody! I'll be lionsg 2 dyas off, 1 form not gnoig & 1 csaue I wloud hvae to caler off on the day ervyneoe esle deos, puls I hvae to fkuncig lie to a dtcoor for a MC! I may not be the msot eitchal psreon you konw but I do not lkie lniyg. Paknrs are fnie, it's a taoltly dfrinfeet calss of its own! Liyng in a panrk is nsescaery! The tutrh wlil sfucare ocne the deed is dnoe and msot parkns don't lsat vrey lnog ulnses it's one of tsohe hlhgiy eblartoae pnlas lkie maentl anoahiltniin!
So there, it's fucking tiring to rearrange the characters of every single fucking word and although it might seem fun, it gets boring after a few phrases. Season 1 of Joey's done airing somewhere in the US so you can probably catch it on one of our local channels, in fact there's only 1 local channel that will possibly screen it, sometime in the near future. Word of advice, the first few episodes totally SUCK! They suck so much they can't possibly suck more! Kinda like Friends, the first episode in season 1 might as well be scrapped, it's so stupid and did I not mention that it SUCKS?!
Anyway, back to Joey, the later episodes got better and at some point, it's comparable to episodes from Friends of the later seasons.
SouthPark season 9 episode 3 aired on comedy central a few days ago too, it's call Wing btw. And I must say it is by far THE WORST SP episode EVER! Do not watch it! It's racist, stupid and lame... wait.
why is it that guys are so bitchy. why guys will try to outdo, upstage each other, just to substantiate their existence and make themselves feel better. all of us are like that, we insult each other's dressing, snort at each others' actions and we feel better when we gossip and trash out other males. wait... where have I seen this before... OH! It's THAT blog...
Hey I'm not judging, wait, THE HELL I AM!! It's the most pretentious blog I've ever seen.
I love all my friends! lalala~!! Seriously stop fucking around, NOBODY loves all their friends, if that's the case, the world will be a fucking mess, literally.(for the slow, this means the everyone would be fucking, having sex, doing it, getting it on, whatever you kids call it these days, with everyone.) I don't usually feel that strongly about fakes that make it seem like they own the world and everyone must agree with them, wait. What the fuck am I doing? Fucking waste of my time, oh... I'm JUST BORED!
Hell! Being bored is the best! It's when you're bored that you start having all those great ideas! I love being bored! Yet I hate being bored, it's the reason I started this "thing" in the first place. Boredom brings me lots of inspiration which is the exact same thing that kills it. Notice how erratic I am? I don't think I make sense!
Now for some Air TV quotes:
Watashi no tsubasa wa mo tobugoto watsurete shimashita
Watashi wa tsuto habataku hanedake yo kurigaishite kimashita kara
Tobenai tsubasa ni imiwa harunte shoka
my wings have forgotten how to fly…
because I’ve only been pretending to flap them.
I wonder if there is a point to wings that cannot fly…
Aren't those the best lines you've ever heard?

mi ma dbroe sa lhel i odtn evha ayntihgn ot od tbu tpey wdors scrablmmde nad rmiane dbroe
un scrammble the words
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