Tuesday, March 22, 2005

i have no fucking idea what to name this...

I have no idea where to start so I'll just pick a random point.

Imagine life as a painting, you start out with a blank canvas and with every experience, you add a stroke to the plain white. After a while, with enough strokes you get some kind of a rough image which you further refine and finally before you die, you complete the picture.

Would agree that this is how your life is like? That you wander around gaining experience and all constantly working towards your goals so called.

Well, that's just bullshit. Unless of course if you're a total wack living in an isolated environment ALONE! Life is not that simple, it's true everyone starts out with their own white canvas but everyone's free to mess up other people's canvas, life, as well. I'm sure at some point in your life, someone else did something to you that cannot be erased, something that leaves an impression, be it good or bad. Now that I've gone out of point, I'll try to get back...

Now imagine the world as a pool. All of us are living in this pool and all of us create tiny ripples in this pool. For example, i got bored. By being bored, i created a tiny ripple in this pool. However, at the same time, there are people around me making ripples themselves from whatever they are doing. When all these ripples meet, we get interference and with that spawns new ripples which can and will interfere with ripples and it goes on and on.

Here's an example given by a friend some time ago about how even the smallest action by us can cause shit to happen to someone else. Let's say for example, this guy decides to buy a can of coke. By choosing coke over pepsi, this cause pepsi to lose the potential revenue of 1 can of pepsi. Over time, say pepsi got into some crisis and is on the verge of being bankrupt and because the guy bought the coke instead of the pepsi, pepsi lacks the few cents to pay its debts and so it went bankrupt. With that, many people lost their jobs at pepsi. Now let's just focus on one of them, say there's this one guy that lost his job and he's so desperate for money, he decides to rob the bank, but it's not easy to rob the bank so he got himself a hostage and ends up killing the poor innocent hostage.

So there you have it, because the first guy choose coke over pepsi, someone died. Some call this the butterfly effect. Having read all that, I must say you are pretty damn patient and I bet you're thinking what the fuck did i waste my time reading this for?!

So there you have it once again, because of my boredom, I typed out this whole load of cock-shit and somehow for some reason you read this, perhaps I made you, and ended up wasting a few minutes of your time which you will NEVER get back. There you have it! I left my mark on your canvas.

Bottom line is, I'm just bored...


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