Everyone knows about The Da Vinci Code. It's, some say, the best book by Dan Brown, but I beg to differ. The prequel to The Da Vinci Code, Angels & Demons, is THE BEST BOOK by Dan Brown.
I've read all his books, and I have every right to judge one from another. Angels & Demons a hell lot of a better read. Even if I didn't read any of his books, Angels & Demons will still be a better read, the title alone kicks Da Vinci's ass!
If you haven't gotten your dirty paws on this gem of a book yet? GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS ON IT and at the same time, TELL EVERYONE you know HOW WRONG they are that they thought that The DV Code is the best Dan Brown book. You can try to argue with them but if somehow, in one way or another, they break you, you can always direct them here.
Anyway, in Angels & Demons, there's this amazing typography called the Ambigram. It's when the writing is in perfect rotational symmetry and somehow, it facinates me to the very core. As an artist, yes I call myself that, it's a-fucking-mazingly brilliant!!
So I thought maybe I should make one too, it's a challenge! That was last year and I made more than 1 and if I say so myself, am pretty DAMN good at making ambigrams. My record was less than 5 minutes. That's how fast I design them. The one used for the background here is that of my nick Negoki, it's the second ambigram I made and one of my most challenging ones.
So much for the ambigrams I made, here's how I do it, and I'm passing the torch...
1. Start with a pen/pencil and a piece of paper...
2. On the paper, write down the word.
3. Turn the paper 180* and write the same word above the now upside down word u wrote in step 2.
4. Now try to map the letters together. eg. If the word is "fuck". You will most probably map f to k and u to c, etc.
5. Now use your talent and make things look good.
a few of my ambigrams...

Uriel. My first ambigram, I tried to follow the style used in Angels & Demons. would've been a hell lot nicer if I remade it with dynamic thickness which I learnt while making my 2nd one.

Negoki, cos this my my nick! It'll be wrong if I didn't do this.

Ivy, because I loved her.

Grace, cos she said she wanted a tattoo... I think this would look a hell lot better if I'd just refine it more.

Kang, for Kang Hao cos he bitched that even Grace got 1.

Kenneth, for my Best Budd. since sec 1.

Yirong, I did this for her birthday last year before she left for London...
I've read all his books, and I have every right to judge one from another. Angels & Demons a hell lot of a better read. Even if I didn't read any of his books, Angels & Demons will still be a better read, the title alone kicks Da Vinci's ass!
If you haven't gotten your dirty paws on this gem of a book yet? GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS ON IT and at the same time, TELL EVERYONE you know HOW WRONG they are that they thought that The DV Code is the best Dan Brown book. You can try to argue with them but if somehow, in one way or another, they break you, you can always direct them here.
Anyway, in Angels & Demons, there's this amazing typography called the Ambigram. It's when the writing is in perfect rotational symmetry and somehow, it facinates me to the very core. As an artist, yes I call myself that, it's a-fucking-mazingly brilliant!!
So I thought maybe I should make one too, it's a challenge! That was last year and I made more than 1 and if I say so myself, am pretty DAMN good at making ambigrams. My record was less than 5 minutes. That's how fast I design them. The one used for the background here is that of my nick Negoki, it's the second ambigram I made and one of my most challenging ones.
So much for the ambigrams I made, here's how I do it, and I'm passing the torch...
1. Start with a pen/pencil and a piece of paper...
2. On the paper, write down the word.
3. Turn the paper 180* and write the same word above the now upside down word u wrote in step 2.
4. Now try to map the letters together. eg. If the word is "fuck". You will most probably map f to k and u to c, etc.
5. Now use your talent and make things look good.
a few of my ambigrams...

Uriel. My first ambigram, I tried to follow the style used in Angels & Demons. would've been a hell lot nicer if I remade it with dynamic thickness which I learnt while making my 2nd one.

Negoki, cos this my my nick! It'll be wrong if I didn't do this.

Ivy, because I loved her.

Grace, cos she said she wanted a tattoo... I think this would look a hell lot better if I'd just refine it more.

Kang, for Kang Hao cos he bitched that even Grace got 1.

Kenneth, for my Best Budd. since sec 1.

Yirong, I did this for her birthday last year before she left for London...

Hey! cool ambigrams! make me one? like casper's "can i keep you?"
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