Global Warming
Micheal Crichton, this man is a genius. I've read almost all of his fiction works (didn't read Congo, Terminal Man, The Great Train Robbery cause Congo is about a monkey and the other 2 just don't have the cool title vibe thing to them that says readme...), all of which blew me away.
Every book I read tells me stuff I've never even heard of, introduce to me ideas so out of this world and yet so real. I'm halfway through his newest work, State of Fear, and, I must say, I'm already blown away by one simple fact. What troubles me more is not the content, but the implication of it.
Spoiler ahead but then again, fuck it! You have the right to know.
Global Warming is BULLSHIT!! Ok let me rephrase myself, what WE have been taught about Global Warming is bullshit, at least what I've been taught is.
Global Warming is a THEORY! Global Warming is a theory that the surface temperature rises from the increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Well, apparently, it's not happening! I'm not going to question MC's writing as far as facts are concerned, he did a hell lot of research, a 20 page bibliography, in State of Fear, to back up whatever he wrote. That is a hell lot of information! Want to know more, read the fucking book.
That's not what I care about. What bothers me is that everything we've been taught to this day might possibly be wrong as well. Imagine that! Imagine all the things we've not been told. Enough of this, I have no idea why I wrote it down anyway, it's not as if me writing it down will change anything.
So yeah, I'm in that point of time in life where I'm pretty damn free and aimless. There's pretty much nothing to do. No i'm not an infant, I'm in NS(National Service)! At least that's what most people call it, some of us that see it clearer call it conscription or cheap labour, which ever suits you better. I'll consider myself lucky since I don't have to paint my skin all black and green, wear ugly fatigues and run around the bushes with a shit load of stuff. I play an instrument, the euphonium ROCKS, in the SA-fucking-F BANDS. And if you think my day is simple, you are fucking right. Which is exactly why I have so much time to write so much shit that doesn't make sense and bend it such that somehow it does, at least some of it does, to me... Once again not my point! FUCK! I should just get to it before I forget. I forgot...
Maybe I'll remember later but first. It's come to my attention that most people, in fact everyone else I know but my evil pal kenneth, thinks it's wrong to laugh at dead people. What's wrong with that? If the person did something stupid, why NOT?! So what if he's dead? Doesn't change the fact that he did something stupid. I'm not talking about those unfortunate people who didn't have much of a choice, those I do not laugh at, I'm talking about perfectly sane homo-sapiens, humans, that are very much aware of their actions. When normal people do something stupid, they DESERVE to be laughed at! Most people won't even give it a second thought at laughing if they saw someone alive do something stupid, so what other variable is there other than the fact that the guy is not dead? He's got to be alive to do anything! Treat it as a delayed laugh, I'm laughing at what the guy did when he's alive, even if the stupid thing he did killed him, he did the stupid thing WHEN he's alive! I have every right to comment. If you still do not know who I'm talking about, you must not have spoken to me in the past few days, doesn't matter, I'll tell you who. The guy that got bumped by the MRT while trying to retrieve his shoe from the track. Seriously, who drops their shoe onto the MRT tracks in the first place? Shoes are designed to fit the foot of whoevers' wearing them. To drop a shoe, one must first be wearing a shoe that's lose. To drop anything near into MRT track, one must be beyond the fucking yellow line, who the fuck goes there in the first place? Putting those 2 together creates an impossible scenerio for anyone with a brain! Even if for some reason, your shoe did drop onto the track, you DO NOT retrieve it yourself!! I'm not even going to hold back with my words, it's simple TOO FUCKING STUPID!!
Let's see, I'll put myself in his shoes, I'm waiting for the MRT. Behind the yellow line.
I decide that it's pretty warm, SG weather is really FUCKED UP so this part is probably true, so I decided to loosen the laces on my shoe. Hell! It's still hot as fuck so I might as well just take it off. I did a little jump, it's a bad habit of mine, and forgot that my shoes are loose. One of it flew a short distance and landed on the MRT track. Very very smart me decided it's pretty damn easy to get it back, I just have to climb down, get it, climb up back onto the platform and that's it. 5 minutes, maybe I have more, the MRT stations sure as hell do not report the time until the next train arrives, is MORE than enough time for all that since I'm so agile and have the ability to jump from platform to track and then back again. So I went ahead on my quest to get my shoe back. It turns out I'm not as agile as I thought myself to be, my age must be catching up on me, and I took more time than desired to get down to the track. So I got my shoe anyway, yeah!, and while on my way back, I felt a rumbling and the next thing I know, I saw a BRIGHT LIGHT! A loud sound!(I may have made this up) Then there was darkness. Fuck I lost my shoe again...
I am so going to hell...
Every book I read tells me stuff I've never even heard of, introduce to me ideas so out of this world and yet so real. I'm halfway through his newest work, State of Fear, and, I must say, I'm already blown away by one simple fact. What troubles me more is not the content, but the implication of it.
Spoiler ahead but then again, fuck it! You have the right to know.
Global Warming is BULLSHIT!! Ok let me rephrase myself, what WE have been taught about Global Warming is bullshit, at least what I've been taught is.
Global Warming is a THEORY! Global Warming is a theory that the surface temperature rises from the increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Well, apparently, it's not happening! I'm not going to question MC's writing as far as facts are concerned, he did a hell lot of research, a 20 page bibliography, in State of Fear, to back up whatever he wrote. That is a hell lot of information! Want to know more, read the fucking book.
That's not what I care about. What bothers me is that everything we've been taught to this day might possibly be wrong as well. Imagine that! Imagine all the things we've not been told. Enough of this, I have no idea why I wrote it down anyway, it's not as if me writing it down will change anything.
So yeah, I'm in that point of time in life where I'm pretty damn free and aimless. There's pretty much nothing to do. No i'm not an infant, I'm in NS(National Service)! At least that's what most people call it, some of us that see it clearer call it conscription or cheap labour, which ever suits you better. I'll consider myself lucky since I don't have to paint my skin all black and green, wear ugly fatigues and run around the bushes with a shit load of stuff. I play an instrument, the euphonium ROCKS, in the SA-fucking-F BANDS. And if you think my day is simple, you are fucking right. Which is exactly why I have so much time to write so much shit that doesn't make sense and bend it such that somehow it does, at least some of it does, to me... Once again not my point! FUCK! I should just get to it before I forget. I forgot...
Maybe I'll remember later but first. It's come to my attention that most people, in fact everyone else I know but my evil pal kenneth, thinks it's wrong to laugh at dead people. What's wrong with that? If the person did something stupid, why NOT?! So what if he's dead? Doesn't change the fact that he did something stupid. I'm not talking about those unfortunate people who didn't have much of a choice, those I do not laugh at, I'm talking about perfectly sane homo-sapiens, humans, that are very much aware of their actions. When normal people do something stupid, they DESERVE to be laughed at! Most people won't even give it a second thought at laughing if they saw someone alive do something stupid, so what other variable is there other than the fact that the guy is not dead? He's got to be alive to do anything! Treat it as a delayed laugh, I'm laughing at what the guy did when he's alive, even if the stupid thing he did killed him, he did the stupid thing WHEN he's alive! I have every right to comment. If you still do not know who I'm talking about, you must not have spoken to me in the past few days, doesn't matter, I'll tell you who. The guy that got bumped by the MRT while trying to retrieve his shoe from the track. Seriously, who drops their shoe onto the MRT tracks in the first place? Shoes are designed to fit the foot of whoevers' wearing them. To drop a shoe, one must first be wearing a shoe that's lose. To drop anything near into MRT track, one must be beyond the fucking yellow line, who the fuck goes there in the first place? Putting those 2 together creates an impossible scenerio for anyone with a brain! Even if for some reason, your shoe did drop onto the track, you DO NOT retrieve it yourself!! I'm not even going to hold back with my words, it's simple TOO FUCKING STUPID!!
Let's see, I'll put myself in his shoes, I'm waiting for the MRT. Behind the yellow line.
I decide that it's pretty warm, SG weather is really FUCKED UP so this part is probably true, so I decided to loosen the laces on my shoe. Hell! It's still hot as fuck so I might as well just take it off. I did a little jump, it's a bad habit of mine, and forgot that my shoes are loose. One of it flew a short distance and landed on the MRT track. Very very smart me decided it's pretty damn easy to get it back, I just have to climb down, get it, climb up back onto the platform and that's it. 5 minutes, maybe I have more, the MRT stations sure as hell do not report the time until the next train arrives, is MORE than enough time for all that since I'm so agile and have the ability to jump from platform to track and then back again. So I went ahead on my quest to get my shoe back. It turns out I'm not as agile as I thought myself to be, my age must be catching up on me, and I took more time than desired to get down to the track. So I got my shoe anyway, yeah!, and while on my way back, I felt a rumbling and the next thing I know, I saw a BRIGHT LIGHT! A loud sound!(I may have made this up) Then there was darkness. Fuck I lost my shoe again...
I am so going to hell...

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