Wednesday, March 30, 2005



[Edit] the title was fucked, too long, and it's messing up my layout...

So there, so much for irrevelant titles...
I'll just point out that various ppl have posting acces to this "blog" so if stuff written here contradicts one another, it maybe because it was posted by someone else, but chances are it's just me being my erratic self.

Negoki - This is me... Yuanqin...

I-R-Devil - This is me too due to the other "blog" I have...

MOONGLADE - My, often, very bored friend Junyuan..

Shekinah - Girly Me... Janice

Xiandan - my very holy friend, Yixian.

I love debates, not the boring kind you see on TV with the stupid time limit. Some debates are just not worth cutting short! Ok so what we had wasn't exactly a debate but no one was screaming, throwing stuff or biting people so I'll rate it as a pretty decent conversation, discussion, whatever you deem fit, among friends about a highly controversial topic, God.

I can't exactly remember how we got to the topic in the first place, actually I do but I can't say, that doesn't mean I'm going to hell, since the set as that of a usual dinner we always have, with a couple of additions that don't really matter.

Before yixian came, it was more of a make-me-rich-by-giving-me-a-dollar-each-time-I-point-out-kenneth's-contradictions kind of game, not that valuable information wasn't exchanged, I did learn quite a lot. That's not all, talking to yourself is stupid, I don't do that, but one can often better evaluate and spawn more ideas when you hear yourself speak about the views you have about a particular subject. By arguing with kenneth, I was able to better express my views with my thoughts bursting with weird-ass examples and analogies.

It also allowed me to prove my theory that Janice(neh-jie, panda, whatever you call her...) will, more often than not, agree with me whenever kenneth is on the opposition. It happened before, it happened again and it will happen more! So I'll give her a title of Girly-Me!

Now after all that talk, I'm pretty damn sure you want to know the out-come of the debate. That, I will not disclose simple because there is no definite resolution and there never will be one as long as it's God we're talking about.

But I will still present my views so all is not lost.
I believe in God. I believe in the existence of a higher power, of a greater existence. However, I do not believe in Christianity. I know I might be stepping on peoples' toes here but I'm also pretty damn sure there are people that agree with me.

My reasons are simple, Christianity cannot be the ONLY path to God. What makes us think that it's even possible to REACH God(this just struck me). If I'm God, I wouldn't give a shit about humans really but I'm not, and I'm all reasonable and so I give everyone a choice as to whether to believe in me or not after I taught you all there is to know about me. If you choose to believe in me, you will go to heaven, no strings attached, all you have to do is believe and you are rid of sins because I sent my son to die for you, it doesn't matter how many people you killed as long as you truely repent. However, if you choose not to believe in me, you can go to hell and burn.

Now I'll first establish the fact that I do not think Christianity is wrong, I believe that it would have been exterminated long ago if there's nothing good about it, humans can't be THAT stupid. I'll even say that I agree with the teachings of Christianity to a certain extent. It's just that the claim that Christianity is THE ONLY WAY to God is too titanic a claim for me to agree with.

What makes Christianity exclusive? Grace? (not da-Bitch) Jesus? That Christianity is the only religion with a messiah who himself said "I am the son of God" and was able to perform so many miracles? The fact that one need only to believe in God to be saved? That Jesus atoned for the sins of all who believe, even those before his birth and after his death? That it's that simple to get to God? (Ok, some might say it's never simple and it's difficult to REALLY BELIEVE. I'll say HELL-YEAH! I'm not convinced.) But is that explaination even convincing? Is it even concrete? There are evidences you say, The Bible, everything is written there in great detail, then there are the historical records, that Jesus in fact existed and some stories are consistent with that reported by other religions?

To touch on The Bible, how accurate is it? Does God is all powerful and hence will not allow The Bible to be wrong support everything that The Bible claims to be? Who can deny that The Bible as it is today is not the same as the very first original Bible? The "New Testaments" the "Old Testaments", don't the names themselves suggest that The Bible has been altered throughout the course of history by, none other than, man? What if The Bible is just a collection of myths and various interpretations of actual factual events? No one can prove that to be true, no one can deny that possibility either.

All major religions in the world today share almost the same set of moral and ethical values. They serve as guides to what humans consider the right thing to do. As far as human conduct is concerned, almost all religions, I can safely say, teaches the same thing. The difference in religion is mainly in the various different practices, idols, stories, myths, legends, etc. (I have no idea what this paragraph is suppose to support)

Now about grace. No matter how I look at it, it's too simple. Don't tell me that's the beauty in it because I do not see it. You can say God doesn't need anything from you but faith so that alone is enough for you to be saved but does that even make sense? Let's say you killed someone, does believing in God change the fact that you have in fact taken a life? So what if the person killed went to heaven? What about the friends and relatives of that person? Will God bring the innocent life back? Let's say the friends and relatives of the person you killed also believe in God and God gave them twice the number of friends and relatives they had, will that change the fact that 1 human life is lost? Sounds familiar? The story of Job. This man put all his faith in God. In the end, he got in return twice the number of wives and children that Satan took away from him. So what? He still lost his wife and children not? Why would God do that to a man with so much faith in him, just to prove Satan wrong? How would you feel if God agreed to let Satan take your friend away but in return give you two new friends? I wouldn't want that, it simple doesn't make sense. No one can replace anyone. when someone dies, life is not the only thing that is gone. When your friend dies, so does the friendship you share with him, the memories and the possible future experiences you might have with this friend, it's all gone for good. Giving in return twice as much doesn't mean anything, it doesn't change anything.

Jesus performed miracles, so did Buddha, Krishna and many other famous religious icons. Is it fair to say that only the miracles performed by Jesus is that of God and everything else is the work of demons? What if I turn that around?

Before the advancement of technology, before everyone can come in contact with anyone. People are restricted, by geology, to the place in which they live in not? I'm sure God already exist then. Why would God allow only the Christians to be saved and leave the rest of the world ill informed? Wouldn't it make more sense that God created various images of himself in different parts of the world to lead the people towards him? These would be the various religions in existent today. Every religion have their own path to God, but I can't think of one religion where the path to God is one of crime and destruction. If God was at the top of a mountain and WANTS to be reached, why would he create only 1 path to him? If he is reasonable, why would he condemn those who seek alternate paths to him?

Finally, this is getting long, how many Christians out there can safely say that they know very well what they believe in? That they choose the path of Christianity on their own, without external influences. Children born into a Christian family, do they have a choice? Likewise, children born into an Islamic family, wouldn't it be hard for them to turn to Christ? If a person was born a muslim and died one, what do you think would be the path he choose if God were to educate him about Christianity and then present him a choice of whether to agree? What would you do if I were to tell you that EVERYTHING you have ever believed in is wrong?

[Edit] I did the Readability Test to this article alone and got the following results.
Flesch Reading Ease: 77.74
Fog Index: 8.32 ( Most popular novels )


Anonymous Anonymous said...

im bored and wtf!!!!!!!! oh never mind i thought i had a life for a minute

6:06 AM  

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