Saturday, April 02, 2005

we have no fat friends...

A short one today, I've been told I write too much like that can ever happen.

As the title suggests, WE HAVE NO FAT FRIENDS!
WE as in Me, Kenneth, Janice, Yixian, Grace, etc. The DHSSB ppl more or less. Thknk about it. As much as you'd like to believe that you not in no way bias against fat ppl, when we come together, the group will subconsciously eliminate fat ppl. The collective of us is prejudice against FAT people... and stupid people... and smelly people... and weird people... and animals... wait, there's Grace...

I'm not saying none of us have fat friends, I have a few of my own, but it's just that if we all know the person and he's fat, chances are he's not our friend. Now how fat must this person be you ask, think troll.

There you go. Short.


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