Saturday, April 02, 2005

what the fuck kind of logic is that?

When you fail to do something, the fact that you did it before doesn't mean a thing! So what if you've done it before? Doesn't change the fact that you failed to do it now does it?! The worst thing is almost everyone is doing it!! When you fail to do something you're supposed to, apologise! How fucking hard can that be?

I hate this! Since when is it that one event can make up another? But I did this for you the last time. Fuck! I'm sure I thanked you the last time too. It's history!

I'm not pissed or angry with anyone in particular, I realised it seems so but I'm really not targeting anyone. SO let me get this straight. The next time, if you, I mean the reader and that's you damnit!, made a mistake or something along that line, just give the real reason, even if you have to give an excuse because the truth is really that hard to tell, use a good one and not some lame I-did-this-&-that-before crap. When an excues is shitty, more often than not, I will know. If I know that it's not the truth, I'll push for the truth. That will make 1 more person pissed off, you, and it will waste the time and energy of at least 2 people, me & you! And since I'm always right, don't fuck around with me. I'm pissed! I said I'm not pissed with anyone in particular, that's still true, I'm just plain pissed for no specific reason.

=DazZed & CoNfuSed= ExAMS!! StReSS!!:
but imust admit sometimes i do tat too....

Negoki :
everyone does it... i dunno why it pisses me off a lot...

=DazZed & CoNfuSed= ExAMS!! StReSS!!:
i think pple do it as a form of 'self consolation' and make things better...thinking tat it sounds better....w/o realising that the person on the receiving end ends up feeling worst

Negoki :
well... i think it's selfish... if i'd feel a lot better if the person'd just said sorry, it slipped my mind or it's an honest mistake, i mean, that's probably the truth and it's a valid REAL reason...

=DazZed & CoNfuSed= ExAMS!! StReSS!!:
well..everyone fears telling the truth...for some werid reason or another... we always come up with excuses.....but i dunno y, maybe fear?

Above is part of the conversation I had with a friend regarding the lame-ass excuses issue.

Fear. Is that it? Fear's the reason? Fear of telling the truth. Fear of what's to come. Fear of facing the music. Is that it? Think about it, if you made an excuse to hide the truth, chances are sooner or later, the person WILL find out, and then what? Wouldn't you get even more shit? Let's say you pull it off, the person didn't find out. And then what? You're just going to keep making excuse after excuse? Even if the person doesn't find out the first time, what makes you think he wouldn't find out the second or third time? And when that happens, it's a domino effect, all the shit will come right back at you like if you **wrap a piece of sodium in a lot of toilet paper and flush it down the bowl...

So my advice to you is, you have to take it anyway, the next time you're faced with such a situation, just fucking tell the truth.

**Note: Sodium is something really cool to have. It's hard to come by but if you EVER get your hands on one piece of this gem, no matter how small it is, wrap it in a LOT, I mean a fucking hell lot, of toilet paper, drop it, flush and run like hell! The reaction of sodium with the water in the sewers is a powerful force that deserves all due respect. If you stay around too long, I'm pretty damn sure, no, I'm FUCKING SURE you'll be screaming bloody murder! It's like being smacked by a herd of trolls. Now that would be a pretty amazing aroma.

I'm about to teach you something that will come in handy for the rest of your lives. The "Condo-Wave" !!
It's a secret technique and a closely guarded secret in the inner circle.

The "Condo-Wave" will give you access to, you guessed it, CONDOS!

It works when you're visiting a friend and don't want to bother him/her by having the guard house call him/her and verify that he/she is in fact expecting guests. It's also great when you always forget your pass, you should probably get to know the guards in this case. Or if you're in a cab and is just plain lazy to show your pass.

So much for how useful it can be, here's how.
Do not mistake this for a regular wave, the Condo-Wave is not really a wave, it's a gesture. It conveys the message hi-it's-me-you-might-not-know-me-but-I-live-here-so-open-the-damn-gate-already.
When you reach the gate, you raise your hand, palm facing out, and lower it in a single fluid motion. Act nonchalant! It is very important that you make it seem like you own the damn place. When the deed is done, it's good to acknowledge the hard work of the, possibly fat, guard and do the Condo-Wave again, this time it means thank-you.

So there you have it. It's like a Condo masterkey.

[Edit] Kenneth insists that he came up with the Condo-Wave. So whatever. "Condo-Wave", credits Kenneth. Kudos to you.
I came up with Got Milk. I did! I really did! I should've written it down! - Ross, Friends


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