we have no fat friends... the prequel :: bus ride.
So we've sort of established the fact that we have no fat friends.
Now you must wonder how in the name of God did we realise something like this in the first place. It's not exactly the kind of thing that you just remember, not to forget the fact the it evaded us for so many years. Here's how it happened.
Setting: On bus 14, going towards Bedok 85, the ba-cho-mee place, to meet up with girly-me(janice), yixian, grace, zhihui, for supper. We're talking about the up coming short film project, which would probably kick ass!
Kenneth: eh, I thought of more stuff for Family Portrait...
Yuanqin: ok. say.
Conversation classified. Just know that we're discussing about the main actress.
Then at some stop, a fat girl came on the buss with some of her friends, they spoke loudly about stuff.
Kenneth: hey! maybe the girl can be fat.
Yuanqin: No.
Kenneth: we can ask her to act! she's perfect for the part!
Yuanqin: No!
Kenneth: come on! think about it. we don't have to pay her or anything! just give her cheap food!
Yuanqin: seriously NO! How can the girl be fat? It's just not right.
Kenneth: maybe... but it'll be cool if the girl is fat! that's why she's so delusional!
Yuanqin: hey! I just realised. We Have No Fat Friends! ( I said this out real loud on purpose.)
Kenneth: No. that's not true. We only hate troll that's all.
Yuanqin: really? think of someone.
Kenneth: ....
Kenneth: no shit! we have no fat friends!
Yeah that's about it. It's not exactly accurate since I can't divulge much information on the upcoming hit FP. Sensationalised to a largeentent extent. Plus it's quite some time ago and I really can't remember much of that conversation. I did say "we have no fat friends" real loudly for the girl to hear, that's a plus! I'm evil, but that doesnt' change the fact that I'm perfect.
PS: LOTR is cool. It sent yixian on a emmotional roller coaster ride. The apex of which is when Legolas took a bath, yes I know this scene doesn't exist but she fell asleep for a while halfway through and I'mguess guessing that's in her dream, the trench is when the trolls knock the gates down.
[Edit] Corrections made teacher.
Now you must wonder how in the name of God did we realise something like this in the first place. It's not exactly the kind of thing that you just remember, not to forget the fact the it evaded us for so many years. Here's how it happened.
Setting: On bus 14, going towards Bedok 85, the ba-cho-mee place, to meet up with girly-me(janice), yixian, grace, zhihui, for supper. We're talking about the up coming short film project, which would probably kick ass!
Kenneth: eh, I thought of more stuff for Family Portrait...
Yuanqin: ok. say.
Conversation classified. Just know that we're discussing about the main actress.
Then at some stop, a fat girl came on the buss with some of her friends, they spoke loudly about stuff.
Kenneth: hey! maybe the girl can be fat.
Yuanqin: No.
Kenneth: we can ask her to act! she's perfect for the part!
Yuanqin: No!
Kenneth: come on! think about it. we don't have to pay her or anything! just give her cheap food!
Yuanqin: seriously NO! How can the girl be fat? It's just not right.
Kenneth: maybe... but it'll be cool if the girl is fat! that's why she's so delusional!
Yuanqin: hey! I just realised. We Have No Fat Friends! ( I said this out real loud on purpose.)
Kenneth: No. that's not true. We only hate troll that's all.
Yuanqin: really? think of someone.
Kenneth: ....
Kenneth: no shit! we have no fat friends!
Yeah that's about it. It's not exactly accurate since I can't divulge much information on the upcoming hit FP. Sensationalised to a large
PS: LOTR is cool. It sent yixian on a emmotional roller coaster ride. The apex of which is when Legolas took a bath, yes I know this scene doesn't exist but she fell asleep for a while halfway through and I'm
[Edit] Corrections made teacher.

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