Thursday, April 14, 2005

something to curse with...

Southpark is so cool. It's taught me a lot. Like the following... in just 1 episode.

when you know someone you hate and he's as described, tell him.
fat racist self centered intollerant manipulating sociopath.

when someone is fucking out of his mind.
servere dementia.

when you can't think of anything else to scold.
no good stinking jew.

when someone is so fucking stupid, he doesn't know that everyone else hates him.
aggrevated repressed memory syndrome.

when someone is psychotic.
stupid psychotic brain.

when someone is stupid enough to believe you.
everlasting peace, eternal rest and ten thousand dollars cash.

Imagine someone in 4th grade saying that! Totally sweet! 4th grade! 4th fucking grade! That's like primary 4 here in sg. That's 10 fucking years old! Totally fucking sweet! When I was 10, giving someone the finger was cool and frowned upon. Eat shit 10 year old me! Enriching my life almost weekly for the past few years, I must really give it up for the creators of SouthPark. How can ANYONE think of such shit. On a weekly basis at that. Off the top of my head, I can remember a few classics.

Kyle's Mum.

when someone is anal about something.
Sand in his vagina.

plain cursing
Blood belching vagina.

something out of point.
All the other times I said you're a big dumb jew, I didn't mean it. You're not a jew.

blood drenched frozen tampon popsicles.

99 hit air combo max
fuck shit cock ass dirty bottom bitch pussy darn butthole barbra streisand!

ok I lied. It's not ALL off the top of my head... most are.


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