Wednesday, April 20, 2005

bounded by history.

Ever wonder why some things are the way they have been for so long and somehow NEVER change? Say the fork and spoon, they come in different sizes and designs but they are fundamentally the same. All these years, the spoon is still and spoon and the fork is still a fork. Doesn't it puzzle you as to why a spoon is shaped like a spoon while a fork is shaped like a fork even to this day?

Because there's no other way to fashion a fork and spoon?

Perhaps, but by saying that, you are still bounded by the concept and the initial design of the fork and spoon.

Why change something that's perfect?

It's not so much a correction, but more of an alternative. It's never bad to have options. If you look around, you'll notice that a lot of the items you come into contact with daily are like the fork and spoon. They've been the same since a long time ago.

The reason behind this is not only because they provide a solution to the problem they were first invented to solve ages ago, one must also take into consideration the limits imposed on the human brain by pre-existing concepts and ideas.

The steering wheel for example, it's been in existence since the days for the very first cars. In fact, the very first steering wheels probably came from ships, since they come before cars duh. The concept of a wheel as a steering device is still being put to use. They exist when the steering wheel is directly connected to the axles of the vehicle and even in modern cars where there is a computer medium between the driver and the wheels. In the past, the wheel would seem like an ideal solution for steering because of it's analog system where the sharpness of your vehicle's turn is determined by how much you turn the steering wheel. That however is not necessary the case in the world today. If the steering of a vehicle is passed from human to a computer which in turn steers the vehicle, a steering device in the shape of a wheel will not be necessary. Pressure sensitive buttons or levers can be used to indicate how much one wants a vehicle to turn if a computer medium is present, it does not need to take the shape of a wheel. It's much simpler to fashion a steering device consisting of buttons or levers than than one that's shaped like a wheel.

The steering wheel remains because people are used to using it.

This explains why there're so little instances of true creativity. Most creative ideas are rehashes of existing ideas with a few extra ingredients.

Another example would be the design of commercial air planes, fuselage and wings, currently in used. The technology used is pretty much the same now as when it first appeared, even when there are now better, energy efficient and space saving designs, the winged shaped planes, the steps that need to be taken to implement it are too numerous and troublesome such that it's easier to just let things remain the way is it.

Convenience over improvement, a common trend in people. Change hardly takes place in the absence of a revolution. The sad truth is that the current social structure of today's society forbids the existence of revolutions. Our creativity is limited by what we already know, the dire consequence of change and the shadow of the past successes.

Why change something that's perfect?

Because I can.


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