Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Flesch-Kincaid & Fog.

I was at SquareBrain.Net sniffing for updates when I though why not read something instead of just looking at the comic there? And so I did... And it's there that I read about the Flesch-Kincaid readability test!

To put it simply, it's an algorithm that rates how easily understood an article, book, website, etc. is based on different various factors like word count, no. of syllables per word etc. I also found a link to a working test on SquareBrain.Net.

Can you blame me for doing this? The score is upon 100, higher is better, easier to read. In random order...

"i'm so bored... somebody kill me now..."
Reading Ease: 81.24
Fog Index: 7.49

The chinese poem was taken into consideration, I wonder what effect it's got on the score...

:: Total Mental Annihilation ::
Flesch Reading Ease: 80.20
Fog Index: 6.63

Me & Kenneth's flagship project. Still proud of it, though some might think we're mean and shit like that.

| Falls on Me |
Flesch Reading Ease: 77.28
Fog Index: 6.30

Many words with more than 3 syllables, I figure that's the reason.

u're as bored as me...
Flesch Reading Ease: 85.34
Fog Index: 5.42

Kenneth's blog... his will is there...

queen of the dead
Flesch Reading Ease: 85.11
Fog Index: 5.76

hate mail not included in test... at least I don't think so.

Note: The Fog index is another score on its own, it gives an estimate of the number of years of education one would need to understand the text. In the table below, it is also compared with various well-known existing publications.

Fog Index Resources
6 TV guides, The Bible, Mark Twain
8 Reader's Digest
8 - 10 Most popular novels
10 Time, Newsweek
11 Wall Street Journal
14 The Times, The Guardian
15 - 20 Academic papers
Over 20 Only government sites can get away with this, because you can't ignore them.
Over 30 The government is covering something up

Note: The above scores are taken while this post is being written. So the score may vary.



[Edit] the title was fucked, too long, and it's messing up my layout...

So there, so much for irrevelant titles...
I'll just point out that various ppl have posting acces to this "blog" so if stuff written here contradicts one another, it maybe because it was posted by someone else, but chances are it's just me being my erratic self.

Negoki - This is me... Yuanqin...

I-R-Devil - This is me too due to the other "blog" I have...

MOONGLADE - My, often, very bored friend Junyuan..

Shekinah - Girly Me... Janice

Xiandan - my very holy friend, Yixian.

I love debates, not the boring kind you see on TV with the stupid time limit. Some debates are just not worth cutting short! Ok so what we had wasn't exactly a debate but no one was screaming, throwing stuff or biting people so I'll rate it as a pretty decent conversation, discussion, whatever you deem fit, among friends about a highly controversial topic, God.

I can't exactly remember how we got to the topic in the first place, actually I do but I can't say, that doesn't mean I'm going to hell, since the set as that of a usual dinner we always have, with a couple of additions that don't really matter.

Before yixian came, it was more of a make-me-rich-by-giving-me-a-dollar-each-time-I-point-out-kenneth's-contradictions kind of game, not that valuable information wasn't exchanged, I did learn quite a lot. That's not all, talking to yourself is stupid, I don't do that, but one can often better evaluate and spawn more ideas when you hear yourself speak about the views you have about a particular subject. By arguing with kenneth, I was able to better express my views with my thoughts bursting with weird-ass examples and analogies.

It also allowed me to prove my theory that Janice(neh-jie, panda, whatever you call her...) will, more often than not, agree with me whenever kenneth is on the opposition. It happened before, it happened again and it will happen more! So I'll give her a title of Girly-Me!

Now after all that talk, I'm pretty damn sure you want to know the out-come of the debate. That, I will not disclose simple because there is no definite resolution and there never will be one as long as it's God we're talking about.

But I will still present my views so all is not lost.
I believe in God. I believe in the existence of a higher power, of a greater existence. However, I do not believe in Christianity. I know I might be stepping on peoples' toes here but I'm also pretty damn sure there are people that agree with me.

My reasons are simple, Christianity cannot be the ONLY path to God. What makes us think that it's even possible to REACH God(this just struck me). If I'm God, I wouldn't give a shit about humans really but I'm not, and I'm all reasonable and so I give everyone a choice as to whether to believe in me or not after I taught you all there is to know about me. If you choose to believe in me, you will go to heaven, no strings attached, all you have to do is believe and you are rid of sins because I sent my son to die for you, it doesn't matter how many people you killed as long as you truely repent. However, if you choose not to believe in me, you can go to hell and burn.

Now I'll first establish the fact that I do not think Christianity is wrong, I believe that it would have been exterminated long ago if there's nothing good about it, humans can't be THAT stupid. I'll even say that I agree with the teachings of Christianity to a certain extent. It's just that the claim that Christianity is THE ONLY WAY to God is too titanic a claim for me to agree with.

What makes Christianity exclusive? Grace? (not da-Bitch) Jesus? That Christianity is the only religion with a messiah who himself said "I am the son of God" and was able to perform so many miracles? The fact that one need only to believe in God to be saved? That Jesus atoned for the sins of all who believe, even those before his birth and after his death? That it's that simple to get to God? (Ok, some might say it's never simple and it's difficult to REALLY BELIEVE. I'll say HELL-YEAH! I'm not convinced.) But is that explaination even convincing? Is it even concrete? There are evidences you say, The Bible, everything is written there in great detail, then there are the historical records, that Jesus in fact existed and some stories are consistent with that reported by other religions?

To touch on The Bible, how accurate is it? Does God is all powerful and hence will not allow The Bible to be wrong support everything that The Bible claims to be? Who can deny that The Bible as it is today is not the same as the very first original Bible? The "New Testaments" the "Old Testaments", don't the names themselves suggest that The Bible has been altered throughout the course of history by, none other than, man? What if The Bible is just a collection of myths and various interpretations of actual factual events? No one can prove that to be true, no one can deny that possibility either.

All major religions in the world today share almost the same set of moral and ethical values. They serve as guides to what humans consider the right thing to do. As far as human conduct is concerned, almost all religions, I can safely say, teaches the same thing. The difference in religion is mainly in the various different practices, idols, stories, myths, legends, etc. (I have no idea what this paragraph is suppose to support)

Now about grace. No matter how I look at it, it's too simple. Don't tell me that's the beauty in it because I do not see it. You can say God doesn't need anything from you but faith so that alone is enough for you to be saved but does that even make sense? Let's say you killed someone, does believing in God change the fact that you have in fact taken a life? So what if the person killed went to heaven? What about the friends and relatives of that person? Will God bring the innocent life back? Let's say the friends and relatives of the person you killed also believe in God and God gave them twice the number of friends and relatives they had, will that change the fact that 1 human life is lost? Sounds familiar? The story of Job. This man put all his faith in God. In the end, he got in return twice the number of wives and children that Satan took away from him. So what? He still lost his wife and children not? Why would God do that to a man with so much faith in him, just to prove Satan wrong? How would you feel if God agreed to let Satan take your friend away but in return give you two new friends? I wouldn't want that, it simple doesn't make sense. No one can replace anyone. when someone dies, life is not the only thing that is gone. When your friend dies, so does the friendship you share with him, the memories and the possible future experiences you might have with this friend, it's all gone for good. Giving in return twice as much doesn't mean anything, it doesn't change anything.

Jesus performed miracles, so did Buddha, Krishna and many other famous religious icons. Is it fair to say that only the miracles performed by Jesus is that of God and everything else is the work of demons? What if I turn that around?

Before the advancement of technology, before everyone can come in contact with anyone. People are restricted, by geology, to the place in which they live in not? I'm sure God already exist then. Why would God allow only the Christians to be saved and leave the rest of the world ill informed? Wouldn't it make more sense that God created various images of himself in different parts of the world to lead the people towards him? These would be the various religions in existent today. Every religion have their own path to God, but I can't think of one religion where the path to God is one of crime and destruction. If God was at the top of a mountain and WANTS to be reached, why would he create only 1 path to him? If he is reasonable, why would he condemn those who seek alternate paths to him?

Finally, this is getting long, how many Christians out there can safely say that they know very well what they believe in? That they choose the path of Christianity on their own, without external influences. Children born into a Christian family, do they have a choice? Likewise, children born into an Islamic family, wouldn't it be hard for them to turn to Christ? If a person was born a muslim and died one, what do you think would be the path he choose if God were to educate him about Christianity and then present him a choice of whether to agree? What would you do if I were to tell you that EVERYTHING you have ever believed in is wrong?

[Edit] I did the Readability Test to this article alone and got the following results.
Flesch Reading Ease: 77.74
Fog Index: 8.32 ( Most popular novels )

Sunday, March 27, 2005


Everyone knows about The Da Vinci Code. It's, some say, the best book by Dan Brown, but I beg to differ. The prequel to The Da Vinci Code, Angels & Demons, is THE BEST BOOK by Dan Brown.

I've read all his books, and I have every right to judge one from another. Angels & Demons a hell lot of a better read. Even if I didn't read any of his books, Angels & Demons will still be a better read, the title alone kicks Da Vinci's ass!

If you haven't gotten your dirty paws on this gem of a book yet? GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS ON IT and at the same time, TELL EVERYONE you know HOW WRONG they are that they thought that The DV Code is the best Dan Brown book. You can try to argue with them but if somehow, in one way or another, they break you, you can always direct them here.

Anyway, in Angels & Demons, there's this amazing typography called the Ambigram. It's when the writing is in perfect rotational symmetry and somehow, it facinates me to the very core. As an artist, yes I call myself that, it's a-fucking-mazingly brilliant!!

So I thought maybe I should make one too, it's a challenge! That was last year and I made more than 1 and if I say so myself, am pretty DAMN good at making ambigrams. My record was less than 5 minutes. That's how fast I design them. The one used for the background here is that of my nick Negoki, it's the second ambigram I made and one of my most challenging ones.

So much for the ambigrams I made, here's how I do it, and I'm passing the torch...

1. Start with a pen/pencil and a piece of paper...

2. On the paper, write down the word.

3. Turn the paper 180* and write the same word above the now upside down word u wrote in step 2.

4. Now try to map the letters together. eg. If the word is "fuck". You will most probably map f to k and u to c, etc.

5. Now use your talent and make things look good.

a few of my ambigrams...

Uriel. My first ambigram, I tried to follow the style used in Angels & Demons. would've been a hell lot nicer if I remade it with dynamic thickness which I learnt while making my 2nd one.

Negoki, cos this my my nick! It'll be wrong if I didn't do this.

Ivy, because I loved her.

Grace, cos she said she wanted a tattoo... I think this would look a hell lot better if I'd just refine it more.

Kang, for Kang Hao cos he bitched that even Grace got 1.

Kenneth, for my Best Budd. since sec 1.

Yirong, I did this for her birthday last year before she left for London...

Saturday, March 26, 2005

let me try semotinhg hree...

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a
wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset
can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid
deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

I'm srue you've seen the avboe smeoehwre bfreoe, so hree I am to see if it's ture.

I'll srtat wtih a rnat!
Mheotr-Fkuicn-Son-Of-A-BICTH!! I can't bevelie I wkoe up ltae taody! I'll be lionsg 2 dyas off, 1 form not gnoig & 1 csaue I wloud hvae to caler off on the day ervyneoe esle deos, puls I hvae to fkuncig lie to a dtcoor for a MC! I may not be the msot eitchal psreon you konw but I do not lkie lniyg. Paknrs are fnie, it's a taoltly dfrinfeet calss of its own! Liyng in a panrk is nsescaery! The tutrh wlil sfucare ocne the deed is dnoe and msot parkns don't lsat vrey lnog ulnses it's one of tsohe hlhgiy eblartoae pnlas lkie maentl anoahiltniin!

So there, it's fucking tiring to rearrange the characters of every single fucking word and although it might seem fun, it gets boring after a few phrases. Season 1 of Joey's done airing somewhere in the US so you can probably catch it on one of our local channels, in fact there's only 1 local channel that will possibly screen it, sometime in the near future. Word of advice, the first few episodes totally SUCK! They suck so much they can't possibly suck more! Kinda like Friends, the first episode in season 1 might as well be scrapped, it's so stupid and did I not mention that it SUCKS?!
Anyway, back to Joey, the later episodes got better and at some point, it's comparable to episodes from Friends of the later seasons.

SouthPark season 9 episode 3 aired on comedy central a few days ago too, it's call Wing btw. And I must say it is by far THE WORST SP episode EVER! Do not watch it! It's racist, stupid and lame... wait.

why is it that guys are so bitchy. why guys will try to outdo, upstage each other, just to substantiate their existence and make themselves feel better. all of us are like that, we insult each other's dressing, snort at each others' actions and we feel better when we gossip and trash out other males. wait... where have I seen this before... OH! It's THAT blog...

Hey I'm not judging, wait, THE HELL I AM!! It's the most pretentious blog I've ever seen.

I love all my friends! lalala~!! Seriously stop fucking around, NOBODY loves all their friends, if that's the case, the world will be a fucking mess, literally.(for the slow, this means the everyone would be fucking, having sex, doing it, getting it on, whatever you kids call it these days, with everyone.) I don't usually feel that strongly about fakes that make it seem like they own the world and everyone must agree with them, wait. What the fuck am I doing? Fucking waste of my time, oh... I'm JUST BORED!

Hell! Being bored is the best! It's when you're bored that you start having all those great ideas! I love being bored! Yet I hate being bored, it's the reason I started this "thing" in the first place. Boredom brings me lots of inspiration which is the exact same thing that kills it. Notice how erratic I am? I don't think I make sense!

Now for some Air TV quotes:


Watashi no tsubasa wa mo tobugoto watsurete shimashita
Watashi wa tsuto habataku hanedake yo kurigaishite kimashita kara
Tobenai tsubasa ni imiwa harunte shoka

my wings have forgotten how to fly…
because I’ve only been pretending to flap them.
I wonder if there is a point to wings that cannot fly…

Aren't those the best lines you've ever heard?

i'm right, you're wrong!

Ever encountered someone that writes animatedly about something only to end it off with "this is only my opinion."?
No shit! Who elses' opinion would it be considering that you're the one that wrote it in the first place?

By writing crap like "it's only my opinion", you're only giving yourself a backdoor so-called so that if anyone disagrees, it would only be their opinion so everyone wins and nobody loses. It's a buffer, more for yourself, in case anyone comes around and fucks up everything you say.

No 2 opposing opinions can be right at the same time so to prevent future conflicts from occuring, we'll establish a simple fact, I am always right! So if anyone finds something here that they would beg to differ, don't bother, simply because you are wrong!

Now doesn't that make things more fun?( If your answer is NO, you are wrong! ) Getting the idea yet? So when I say that I'm wrong and you think otherwise, you are wrong!

I'm seriously bored and totally erratic now so....


Thursday, March 24, 2005

what is wrong with the world?

You should already have noticed, if not you're fucking blind, that chatterbox thing just a little to the right of this. You may also want to note the few short lines of ads just under it.

[Edit] 05-04-2005 :: Chatterbox by flobble removed because it sucks.

So I happen to be looking there and to my surprise, I saw this!

What exactly is wrong with the world? Content Generator? What?! So people have grown so stupid that a content generator is necessary for something as simple as a blog?

Here's an example of what is generated:
I really love my niece Cathy. Often she is really stupid, and then last week she just touched me... I could really use her years of training writing an essay about political turmoil of the European lowlands, then she answered:

"Whoa! I love the European lowlands so much!"

At first I was all "WHOA!" but then the next day I just subsided and began sobbing. After all, she *is* my niece and I have to live with that...

So now i have a stupid niece named Cathy that loves the European lowlands... What?! It doesn't even make sense!

If you have nothing to post then don't! It's not a test, you won't die if you don't have anything to post, so why bother? While we're at blogs, I'd like to bring up the point that nobody cares about all the stuff you do everyday? If it's worth writing down, it's got to be special! No, bathing 5 minutes later than usual does not count as being special, neither does missing the bus, come on! who doesn't?! And if you feel the need to post something on your precious blog every single fucking day with mundane crap, I would suggest you seek professional help or you can kill yourself by holding your breath which according to Maddox, contains only 3 simple steps.

Step 1: hold breath
Step 2: wait for 10 minutes and go to step 3.
Step 3: if you're reading this, you have failed.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Fat Dude Dancing/Singing

Fat Dude Dancing/Singing - Numanuma

things like this amuse me...

After some looking up, I found this!
And if you want just the song... here it is!

the troll rampages on hoping that one day the sodium chloride would dissolve in his sweat... it is in its duty to harvest the salt since the salt didn't say no... now wtf...

It appears that the words in italic above actual mean somethings to someone I know, cause I made it that way.
So anyway because of that, I ended up having a conversation with her which eventually led me to this, giving her a draft of what she should reply to the troll and here it is...

i'm thinking since you know so much about me, you must know i'm a devoted christian. so you must know that as far as possible, i will not lie. i think you are fat, but that's not really the problem, smelly, now this is, and talks funny. i'm a busy person and i just can't stand it when you always repeat various words in your sentence a few times and takes forever to get a sentence out. too bad i know that you didn't bath for up to a week in bmt and that is something i CANNOT accept. so bugger off!

Jurassic Park 4: Dino Snuff

I remember the day more than 10 years ago, I was 9 and nothing kicks more ass than dinosaurs! I remember pestering my parents and going to the cinema at Bedok which was, at that time, REALLY COOL! (but crappy now...) Jurassin Park was great! I loved that movie!
Dinos - Good!
Movie - Good!
Popcorn - Good!
Tonnes of dino toys hitting stores EVERYWHERE - AWESOME!
What's not to like? I got my hands on everything, books, toys, plastic cups with the now famous logo on it, you name it!
That was when I got my first Michael Crichton novel - Jurassic Park.
It was of average thickness but I was 9, so the book look thick as hell and I didn't understand a shit! I bought it because it's Jurassic Park, the kick-ass movie. It didn't take long for the craze to go away.

A few years later, somehow I saw the book again and this time, I read, completed and understood it. The movie pretty much SUCK! So much of the original plot was left out, especially towards the end. However, the movie did manage to stay true to the book for a large part so I can still accept it.

The next thing I know, came Jurassic Park: The Lost World. This time I got the book and read it first. After I caught the movie, all I could think off was, WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST WATCH?!! Apart from the title, a few character names, the name of the island, the fact that there are dinosaurs and the presence of that trailer, there's pretty much nothing in common between the movie and the book where it comes to the, very FUCKING important, plot! I slammed the movie and as far as I can remember, told everyone that watch it how much of a crappy movie it was and to those that actually like the lame-ass movie with the very unoriginal Godzilla-in-city-roar scene, I killed them all for the better good of man-kind.

To make things worst. Out came Jurassic Park 3. This time there was no book. Judging from the first 2 movies, it's actually understandable since with each movie, the reference to the actual plot in the books get lesser. Without a book, I wouldn't even have watched it if not because my dad got a copy of it on VCD at a later time. Watching it just proved my point, the plot of it was like a pool that found difficulty drowning babies.

Spoiler alert but whatever:
Kids got lost.
Parents went to find kids.
Gets lost too.
Finds kids.
Sees Dinos.
Gets chased around.
Happily every after.

There's nothing to the movie if not for great visuals that's been around since the first installment. Some things are better left alone and in this case, I'm refering to the PLOT of the great books by Crichton!

Assuming there's another sequel, it's got to be a Dino Snuff Film! The plot would most definately be:

Parents from JP3 wants revenge for all the exercise the dinos made them do.
Hires dino-hunter.
Copies plot of battle royale, kill.
Lots of blood and dino artery bursting action.

Once again. I'm bored.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

i have no fucking idea what to name this...

I have no idea where to start so I'll just pick a random point.

Imagine life as a painting, you start out with a blank canvas and with every experience, you add a stroke to the plain white. After a while, with enough strokes you get some kind of a rough image which you further refine and finally before you die, you complete the picture.

Would agree that this is how your life is like? That you wander around gaining experience and all constantly working towards your goals so called.

Well, that's just bullshit. Unless of course if you're a total wack living in an isolated environment ALONE! Life is not that simple, it's true everyone starts out with their own white canvas but everyone's free to mess up other people's canvas, life, as well. I'm sure at some point in your life, someone else did something to you that cannot be erased, something that leaves an impression, be it good or bad. Now that I've gone out of point, I'll try to get back...

Now imagine the world as a pool. All of us are living in this pool and all of us create tiny ripples in this pool. For example, i got bored. By being bored, i created a tiny ripple in this pool. However, at the same time, there are people around me making ripples themselves from whatever they are doing. When all these ripples meet, we get interference and with that spawns new ripples which can and will interfere with ripples and it goes on and on.

Here's an example given by a friend some time ago about how even the smallest action by us can cause shit to happen to someone else. Let's say for example, this guy decides to buy a can of coke. By choosing coke over pepsi, this cause pepsi to lose the potential revenue of 1 can of pepsi. Over time, say pepsi got into some crisis and is on the verge of being bankrupt and because the guy bought the coke instead of the pepsi, pepsi lacks the few cents to pay its debts and so it went bankrupt. With that, many people lost their jobs at pepsi. Now let's just focus on one of them, say there's this one guy that lost his job and he's so desperate for money, he decides to rob the bank, but it's not easy to rob the bank so he got himself a hostage and ends up killing the poor innocent hostage.

So there you have it, because the first guy choose coke over pepsi, someone died. Some call this the butterfly effect. Having read all that, I must say you are pretty damn patient and I bet you're thinking what the fuck did i waste my time reading this for?!

So there you have it once again, because of my boredom, I typed out this whole load of cock-shit and somehow for some reason you read this, perhaps I made you, and ended up wasting a few minutes of your time which you will NEVER get back. There you have it! I left my mark on your canvas.

Bottom line is, I'm just bored...