Tuesday, April 26, 2005

shade distinction

When you think of sunny sentosa and it's beaches, what do you think of? The sun , sand, sea, Bikini babes, beach volley ball, etc. ?? Perhaps that's where most people stop but being the ever creative me, with ideas sparking of in my over-bored mind at an alarming rate, I start to make up games that can be played on the terrain covered with ground up rock, sand.

I brainstorm, organise, then permutate my ideas to make more ideas, constantly evaluate and eliminate random bullshit-will-never-work ideas and all that is done simultaneously in the demented brain of mine in an instant. It's a wonder how it's possible but that can easily be explained since it's me you're talking about here - I who planned the works of an ambigram, how it should look and ensure it's perfect rotational symmetry while peeing. The idea machina* itself

Anyway one of the better games I thought up of that can be played in the sand is what I call Human Reversi. I'm sure you all know how to play Reversi, Othello, what ever you call it. You don't have to be good at it, I kick ass at it sometimes, to understand my following instructions. As you know the pieces you use when playing Reversi has a side of black and a side of white. So you just line up the black ppl on one side, and the white people on the other. This does not necessary mean the race, though that's prefered, it can mean what the people are wearing. With that said, just "play" normally and when the "piece" needs to be flipped, just replace a black person with a white person and vice versa.

That is not the end, I must bow down to my friend and worship him for his improvising on the game. It's THAT ingenius. It's too much trouble using the whole person, all we need are the Indian's hands! Amazing.

This led me on to one of the many racist jokes.

There are 2 kinds of people I hate. Racists, and blacks.

*For those who don't know, machina is machines in the Squaresoft smash hit - Final Fantasy X.


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