Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Before I start, I'd first like you to refer to this which I wrote some time back with regards to the subject of this post, snails. Be sure to read it in depth since I'll probably make many references to it.

As you all should know, since you live in the same fucking country I live in, the weather is a massive cantankerous pain in the ass. It's warm all year round and when it does get cool, rain, it becomes humid as fuck rendering everything shitty as far as the weather is concern. Which is why most people cannot live without air-conditioning.

Now imagine yourself in an enclosed room with about 30 other people forcing warm air into metalic tubes and what not and then it starts to rain. The air cools dractically and for once justice is done and the temperature would have been perfect but no. Some mother fucker decides that it's a tat too cold for him and without seeking the opinion of the majority, proceeds to increase the temperature in the room. That wouldn't have been so bad if it was done in moderation but I can safely say that 28 degree celsius is a little too high a temperature for a room of more than 30. To hell with it, 28 degree celsius is higher than the temperature outside the room! Fucktard!

And so I've pretty much established that I'll be going to hell from the amount of evil thoughts running through my head in one morning alone. It's like a my limit meter is constantly full and I wouldn't have a need to de-barrier Sephiroth since even a braver would be enough for me to 1 hit KO the final boss in the epic FF7.

I'm constantly asked why, where and how all that hate came about and my answer would be on par with why I hate snails. They exist. They are gigantic eyesores. They piss me off to final heaven. Something went wrong in all creation that spawned them. But this time it's worst. The fucktard's like a snail gone horribly wrong! It's like an over-grown, over-developed, invertebrate piece of shit with an evolutionary diseaster called hair!

things I really need now

In life, there will always be things you need or want for whatever reason and more often than not, you don't have it since if you won't be wanting or needing it if you already got it.

That was the initial first paragraph of this post. Notice how gay and fucked up it is? I did. And so I made in italic. What's my point you wonder, the answer to that is obvious to anyone. The following are a couple of blank lines to brace you for the shift in style to that comonly used by mundane bloggers.

I need:
1. Money
2. More money
3. A well documented game engine
4. Necessary knowledge to write a MMOG client
5. Necessary equipment to write a MMOG client
6. Sleep
7. A programmer to do my bidding
8. Modellers
9. Animator
10. Concept art
11. To stop thinking about so much shit.
12. mouthpiece case.
13. Sleep
14. More Sleep
15. MC
16. troll scrolls
17. To get a life and stop writing like a jack ass.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

because it's me, therefore I can.

It's interesting how the consistency in the amout of shit I write actually justify my writing shit in itself. It's a self-fueling synergy of a paradox that's filled to the brim with mundane nonsense for no other reason than to entertain.

Everyone reads Jan's blog. Or so I was told by none other than xian. Not that I disagree, she is after all girly me and that has got to count for something. Being on the phone with a law student down with a back case of flu and sore throat isn't exactly something most people, not including a particular ZW or ZQ, would enjoy. Not to forgot the overload in lawyer lingo and nonsensical muses of sounds created to facilitate communication and ease of expression. Agnst can never be better discribed when told in the form of an "ARGHHH!" Now imagine all that mixed into a really holy person capable of endless non-stop preaching. You can try all you want but even with my vivid imagination, I only got it right when I experienced it.

When xian wants to whine, no one, other than probably Jesus, can stop her. In reference to a particular account of a rather explicit conversation involving panties, eye sores and touching of oneself, as detailed in the blog everyone reads, xian whines about how wrong the acount is, even when the words are literally lifted off the real conversation, because of the lack of emmotional expression. When something commonly used to express excitment being high and stuff is said in a non-chalant matter of fact tone, it conveys an entirely different meaning. Argues the hoarse girl on law lingo overload. I personally do not see what's wrong with twisting information when it's obviously for fun. With that expressed, I was told that it would've been pretty much OK if I was the one that wrote the explicit entry, simply because I write shit like that all the time.

So there you have it. I'm officially allowed to write whatever shit I want to because nobody takes any material written by me seriously. Such permission is given not by an ordinary person but one of great spiritual powers and increasingly strong teeth, renforced with lasers.

feed the fish

It was unfortunate that I had to spend much of my day travelling on a coach visiting various places I have absolutely no interest in. What botheres me the most is the fact that I have to stay in camp the night before so as to turn up at a organisation event that's supposed to be relaxing, fun and such.

It's fun to a certain extent but none of what's fun has got anything to do with the activities planned out. To wake up at 5am so as to ensure that we are on schedule wouldn't be so bad if we hadn't met with a jam on the causeway. I never quite got why we had to go through all that trouble to go to a fruit farm cum bee farm when everything we can possibly want to buy from there can be easily gotten here. If the purpose is to sight see and get to know more about the process and workings involved in the making of fruits, what the fuck, and honey, I can sadly announce that it's benn a complete failure.

Call me an asshole but I can't help but chirp in that annoying as fuck accent of Steve Irwin, croc hunter, as we got off the air-conditioned bus and into the blistering heat of the equitorial region, "Alright now everybody, let us embark on our search for bad spelling!" It's quite a challenge and even more so of a surprise since I only found a handfull of those. That or I wouldn't know even if they spelt anything wrong unless it's actually english. With that in mind, you can imagine how much attention I paid the guide rattling off with a shrill bane of a voice I'd rather be hit by a truck than to listen to. The sentences are fragmented much like mine, laced with a thick accent and gives a normal person a ever rising impluse to just smash her head in so she could just shut the fuck up!

I'm sure you've all seen it before. In fact it's so common you can even find it in Singapore. You can almost definitely find a pond over populated with koi with a sign that says no feed the fishes unless it's fish food bought from the gift-shop or something. The concept alone is mind boggling and beyond my comprehension. Think about it. You're paying someone to feed their fish! It's like paying someone for knocking you down with your own car! What's worst is not the fact that the gimick still exists but people actually fall for it! It's because of stupid people that such an act of cheating exists. Preying on the stupidity of tourists in a foreign land thinking a fish in water is not like any other fish in water at home, stupid, such acts not only brought in revenue but also a free endless source of labour.

I'll end this off with a quote form my equally annoying friend, Weng,

"I'd rather be at home playing half-life 2. This place looks just like the ruins plus I'd have a gun! Then I can shoot someone when I'm pissed off like now."

Friday, September 23, 2005


I've been pretty busy lately, sleeping really late and all but sleep has always been secondary to me.

MezMu Online

If you see me online, you can probably go there. I'm still testing it but it's more or less done. What I can do that is, many aspects of it is beyond me. Taking my very first step into the MMOG dev. circle.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Too good to be true.

I watched it already, Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children, it's so good you have to see it to believe it. Imagine awesome animation 10 times better than the previous FF movie, Spirits Within, laced with nostalgia and a plot to die for. Throw in superb lip syncing, voice acting, swordplay, insane bike riding action and a cast to die for, not to be missed. If you consider yourself a fan of the final fantasy series and haven't played FF7, I can only say to you "mada mada dane." If you're an avid fan like me, it's a movie not to be missed. Everything you see in the movie will resonate within you bringing out from the depths of your heart the sweet memories revolved around the one game that vindicated your life.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Final Fantasy VII :: Advent Children

It's been 2 years since I first heard of it and now it's finally out. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of it. To this very day, FF7 remains as the one game that once vindicated my life, really. I remember when I used to wake up in the middle of the night just to play it because I can't wait to know what happens next. The plot is that good. Thanks to FF7, every other installment of the Final Fantasy series felt like a disappointment with FF8 being the worst of the lot. FF8 sucks so much it can't possibly suck more. It's one of the many shitty games I've played that I chose not to complete for various reasons and FF8 pretty much scored zeros points in every aspect of the game other than the graphics, FMVs and the music. The plot is draggy and full of shit. I hate walking, whethere in game or in real life, so making me walk around aimlessly really really pisses me off.

While we're at shitty products, I can't help but bring up the iPods. Every iPod comes bundled with a flaw, a cantankerous abomination of bad skinning, fucked up programming, resource management and a monopoly of some kind. It's called iTunes. I should probably have written this before my previous entry comparing iTunes by Apple and a freeware music player plugin that works a million times better.

And apparently Creative won the US patent for the tree-style navigation user interface used in many current MP3 players such as the iPod over Apple. Called the Zen Patent, after their latest armada of MP3 players, it was first used in the Nomad Jukebox, sounding very old school already, back in 2000 before the release of the iPod. Oh well, tough luck for Apple.

I personally prefer the iPod simply because it looks better and is easier to use. I've always had this belief that instead of working on and improving their existing products, Creative comes up with new products of similar functions to saturate the market so most of their shitty products remain shitty. And seriously what the fuck is with the name Zen?! I can almost picture the ad on TV with bearded white-haired chinese dude dressed in ancient clothes holding the Zen touch in his hands saying Russell Peters style "Confucius say, use the Zen touch to get in touch with zen!" Although Zen is a buddhist teaching but that's really besides the point.

I'm watching wrestling

I'm that bored.
I can't sleep, not that I'm not sleepy, I know that for sure because if I do, I'll not be able to wake up to drag my ass to camp.
So i chose the easy way out, seriously, to stay awak the whole night. Because it takes an hour of snooze to wake me up when I don't get enough sleep.

I never understood why anyone can like watching a very unrealistic fight between 2 half-naked men. The concept alone is mind boggling to me. For the love of God 2 half naked men! That alone is enough for me to reach for my remote. Then there are those really cheesy names, Heartbreaker, Undertaker, etc. I won't be surprise if there's a fish monger or a taxidermist some time in the near future. What puzzles me even more is how so many can still like it when EVERYONE obvious knows that it's all a gigantic show. WWE alone tells everyone that it's all ENTERTAINMENT.

For all my understanding towards wrestling, none, you can imagine how bored I am in my attempt to stay awake, not good, that 'm watching wrestling.

And what the fuck is it with Villa Wellness?! It's the worst reality TV show ever! In fact, I think it's so bad that it can't possibly suck more than it already does. It sucks so much that nothing but Villa Wellness 2 will out rank it as the number 1 shitty show in the history of television. I'm not being sexist when I say this but the only thing more gross than a fat ugly man is a fat ugly woman. And they put not one but a bulk, pun intended, of fat ugly woman in that show. If that's not gross, I don't know what is. And they have get some guy to go in for the fat girls' pleasure. I wonder how much he got paid for that but I won't settle for anything short of a million if it were me they sent into the tub of water, not much water because much of it was displaced by all the fat ladies in it.

Then imagine fat girls birtching, backstabbing and bitch slapping one another. GROSS!! I can't find any other word that better describe the distaste I have for that show.

Friday, September 09, 2005

MessiahZ Perfect Collection

For those who knows.

The Story.

The Art.

The people, Me, Kenneth, Kang, Fon, Junyuan, Jan, Amanda(though she's been MIA forever), Siok, Rong, Grace, Terese.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


A trait I'm sure everyone in my band will possess at the end of our 2 years or so service to the nation. Just when I thought that physics are the worst kind of lectures ever, I'm proven wrong yet again today. I should probably be glad that I was taking a dump for the first 5 to 10 minutes of the shelling so I got 5 to 10 minutes less shit than the rest, a luxury where I come from.

This morning's muster parade was a record breaking 40 minutes, of which much had been said but I'm confident that I can pretty much summarise it in less than 5. The points discussed are recursive and irrelevant. I can never get how things are supposed to work out fine when the subject at fault is never present when being reprimanded, in other words, the bulk of us getting the shit did nothing wrong. What's the point of raising a point when the subject of that matter isn't present to hear it? I'm not saying the subject at fault is at any point correct, I've in fact been very pissed off with his behaviour and how inconsiderate he can be doing things he obviously know will get the rest of us into trouble, fucked up. However, that doesn't change that fact that what's done can only be described as stupid. It's like telling your hamster to go fuck itself because your dong pooped all over your yard.

The next time I hear anything along the line of how much work it is to plan this and that, events and such that we will be involved in and doing the bulk of the work, I'm going to drive that grotesque abomination of a van with a spoiler into the office. This is how things used to be like, we go for deployments and such and in the event that we work overtime or on weekends, we get off. What happened was that we are able to use that off as and when we feel like it provided there's no deployment unless it's a special case. It was simple and there was virtually no work to be done on the administrative planning part. Now this is how things work now, we go for deployments as usual and we get the same off if we do overtime and stuff, however we do not get to decide when we get to use the off. The only off we get to decide upon, to a certain extent, is the HQ duty off and when the number of days off we have gets too many, we are forced to use the off on days which anyone sensible will rather stay in camp since we're not doing anything anyway. So back to the deployment off, now the "management" will plan the off for us, usually grouping them together so the entire band can go on off at the same time. Anyone will know that this is definitely more tedious than the former method and obviously require a lot more planning since the entire band must be taken into consideration. Now comes my point, did anyone of us force you to do it the way it is done now? No. what does this show, your way is stupid!! That aside, what makes is worst is whenever I hear "we need to plan the off for yada yada". There is NO WE, it's all you! If you want to control our off to such an extent, so be it. Stop making it sound as if we made things difficult for you because you brought it upon yourself. Everything comes with a price and in this case, we shouldn't be the one paying for it, much like how we shouldn't have to answer for mistakes made not by us even when it concerns us. The facts are simple, we didn't make the mistake, you did, what reason have we to take half the responsibility?

And "Andante" does not sound like "And - an - te" dipshit!!
I realised that first time I see that word when I first started learning music. You've been in the band scene for what, I'm assuming you're 40 plus this year, I'll take it that you're 40 for easy calculation, 20 over years and you can't say that word. DIPSHIT!!!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

the gathering

For the first time in years, we had a gathering with Mrs Wong & Mr Ng. That in itself is amazing considering that we've graduated from dhs 6 years ago. Although the people that turn out are pretty much the same few people that still hang out often enough, it still cool, I guess, to storm a restaurant, make a big fuss over the lack of seats, half heartedly rearrange some chairs to make space and finally leave without ordering anything with the excuse of wanting to seat together. It may sound mean or whatever negative word you can find to you but that never stopped us before.

Though the people that turned out are mainly the bunch of us that still hang out once in a while, not all of us will usually be there. Missing a few here and there is usually the case but not this time. It's always fun to meet up with people you haven't seen in a long time, almost always.

Meeting up with certain people will sometimes make you remember how much of a pain in the ass that person was and although I'm often reprimanded for being mean, as usual, it doesn't stop me from making comments laced with blades. If you're wondering who this person is, rest assured that if you actually get to read this, it's probably not you.

It's Doreen!!! I'm not exactly trying to conceal this and everyone that found this line probably didn't take long to realise. I put this here for the effect so don't think that you've uncovered hidden treasure or cracked a power code just because.

There are few that tick me off enough for me to write about them and that's usually when they cross a certain boundary different for everyone. In this case, I'll simply say that there's a huge difference between talking and flirting, adding on to that, there's a gigantic difference between having a conversation and hitting on someone. As Weng would have said, it's a cantakerous task trying to ignore the words and have a meal without choking every once in a while.

Kang kept hitting me under the table, for every gross statement made, and I in turn kept hitting Janice. I realised the heaven at the far end of the table when switched places with Junyuan. Such silence, such tranquility and I didnt' choke on anything or cringe at every word said.

Yes, my purpose of writing this is not to talk about the gathering as opposed to the initial impression I gave at the first paragraph, it is to bitch. To bitch about someone that made me choke on soup sending me into coughing fits, someone whose words made me cringe, who I don't exactly look forward to seeing again very soon.

some answers

I've been pretty busy the past week and haven't really been home but it appears that people do come here and read their share of crap from me. I'm writing this because I see myself encountering the same questions again in the future. There's also the fact that I'm bored.

Q. Hey! cool ambigrams! make me one? like casper's "can i keep you?"
A. Do I know you? No.

Q. If your always right, and I'm always right, what happens if we disagree?
A. Considering the fact that you're asking me for an answer, I'm thinking you're consulting me making me more right than you are.

Q. Since when does iTunes suck?
A. Since always considering the fact that winamp exists way before iTunes and it kicks iTunes' ass big time.

Q. But winamp can't send songs to my iPod
A. You are wrong. Get this.

Q. But iTunes is so simple to use, everything can be done with a click, winamp is too complex.
A. Firstly, iTunes is first designed for a Mac, that doesn't have a right-click. Secondly, if winamp is too complex, you're probably too stupid.

Q. But iTunes look cool.
A. You can have a unlimited choice of skin for winamp. You can even make it look like iTunes, just a lot less shitty.

Q. What can winamp do that iTunes can't?
A. Everything.

Q. What can iTunes do that winamp can't?
A. Potentially screw up your iPod by syncing with the stupid library.

Q. But everyone uses iTunes, it can't be possible that everyone is wrong.
A. It's possible, not everyone knows about the winamp ipod plugin. If we live in the ancient past when you still believe the earth is flat, I will be the right one.

Q. But my entire music library is in iTunes, don't expect me to discard that and switch to another program, it's too much work.
A. Keep playing on your PS1 then.

Q. Can I extract songs from my iPod using winamp?
A. Yes. The files will be named according to the ID3 tag information rather than the shitty index filename used in the iPod.

Q. What index filename in the iPod.
A. Never mind.

Q. Want go church?
A. No.