Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Before I start, I'd first like you to refer to this which I wrote some time back with regards to the subject of this post, snails. Be sure to read it in depth since I'll probably make many references to it.

As you all should know, since you live in the same fucking country I live in, the weather is a massive cantankerous pain in the ass. It's warm all year round and when it does get cool, rain, it becomes humid as fuck rendering everything shitty as far as the weather is concern. Which is why most people cannot live without air-conditioning.

Now imagine yourself in an enclosed room with about 30 other people forcing warm air into metalic tubes and what not and then it starts to rain. The air cools dractically and for once justice is done and the temperature would have been perfect but no. Some mother fucker decides that it's a tat too cold for him and without seeking the opinion of the majority, proceeds to increase the temperature in the room. That wouldn't have been so bad if it was done in moderation but I can safely say that 28 degree celsius is a little too high a temperature for a room of more than 30. To hell with it, 28 degree celsius is higher than the temperature outside the room! Fucktard!

And so I've pretty much established that I'll be going to hell from the amount of evil thoughts running through my head in one morning alone. It's like a my limit meter is constantly full and I wouldn't have a need to de-barrier Sephiroth since even a braver would be enough for me to 1 hit KO the final boss in the epic FF7.

I'm constantly asked why, where and how all that hate came about and my answer would be on par with why I hate snails. They exist. They are gigantic eyesores. They piss me off to final heaven. Something went wrong in all creation that spawned them. But this time it's worst. The fucktard's like a snail gone horribly wrong! It's like an over-grown, over-developed, invertebrate piece of shit with an evolutionary diseaster called hair!


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