Tuesday, September 27, 2005

feed the fish

It was unfortunate that I had to spend much of my day travelling on a coach visiting various places I have absolutely no interest in. What botheres me the most is the fact that I have to stay in camp the night before so as to turn up at a organisation event that's supposed to be relaxing, fun and such.

It's fun to a certain extent but none of what's fun has got anything to do with the activities planned out. To wake up at 5am so as to ensure that we are on schedule wouldn't be so bad if we hadn't met with a jam on the causeway. I never quite got why we had to go through all that trouble to go to a fruit farm cum bee farm when everything we can possibly want to buy from there can be easily gotten here. If the purpose is to sight see and get to know more about the process and workings involved in the making of fruits, what the fuck, and honey, I can sadly announce that it's benn a complete failure.

Call me an asshole but I can't help but chirp in that annoying as fuck accent of Steve Irwin, croc hunter, as we got off the air-conditioned bus and into the blistering heat of the equitorial region, "Alright now everybody, let us embark on our search for bad spelling!" It's quite a challenge and even more so of a surprise since I only found a handfull of those. That or I wouldn't know even if they spelt anything wrong unless it's actually english. With that in mind, you can imagine how much attention I paid the guide rattling off with a shrill bane of a voice I'd rather be hit by a truck than to listen to. The sentences are fragmented much like mine, laced with a thick accent and gives a normal person a ever rising impluse to just smash her head in so she could just shut the fuck up!

I'm sure you've all seen it before. In fact it's so common you can even find it in Singapore. You can almost definitely find a pond over populated with koi with a sign that says no feed the fishes unless it's fish food bought from the gift-shop or something. The concept alone is mind boggling and beyond my comprehension. Think about it. You're paying someone to feed their fish! It's like paying someone for knocking you down with your own car! What's worst is not the fact that the gimick still exists but people actually fall for it! It's because of stupid people that such an act of cheating exists. Preying on the stupidity of tourists in a foreign land thinking a fish in water is not like any other fish in water at home, stupid, such acts not only brought in revenue but also a free endless source of labour.

I'll end this off with a quote form my equally annoying friend, Weng,

"I'd rather be at home playing half-life 2. This place looks just like the ruins plus I'd have a gun! Then I can shoot someone when I'm pissed off like now."


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