Wednesday, September 07, 2005


A trait I'm sure everyone in my band will possess at the end of our 2 years or so service to the nation. Just when I thought that physics are the worst kind of lectures ever, I'm proven wrong yet again today. I should probably be glad that I was taking a dump for the first 5 to 10 minutes of the shelling so I got 5 to 10 minutes less shit than the rest, a luxury where I come from.

This morning's muster parade was a record breaking 40 minutes, of which much had been said but I'm confident that I can pretty much summarise it in less than 5. The points discussed are recursive and irrelevant. I can never get how things are supposed to work out fine when the subject at fault is never present when being reprimanded, in other words, the bulk of us getting the shit did nothing wrong. What's the point of raising a point when the subject of that matter isn't present to hear it? I'm not saying the subject at fault is at any point correct, I've in fact been very pissed off with his behaviour and how inconsiderate he can be doing things he obviously know will get the rest of us into trouble, fucked up. However, that doesn't change that fact that what's done can only be described as stupid. It's like telling your hamster to go fuck itself because your dong pooped all over your yard.

The next time I hear anything along the line of how much work it is to plan this and that, events and such that we will be involved in and doing the bulk of the work, I'm going to drive that grotesque abomination of a van with a spoiler into the office. This is how things used to be like, we go for deployments and such and in the event that we work overtime or on weekends, we get off. What happened was that we are able to use that off as and when we feel like it provided there's no deployment unless it's a special case. It was simple and there was virtually no work to be done on the administrative planning part. Now this is how things work now, we go for deployments as usual and we get the same off if we do overtime and stuff, however we do not get to decide when we get to use the off. The only off we get to decide upon, to a certain extent, is the HQ duty off and when the number of days off we have gets too many, we are forced to use the off on days which anyone sensible will rather stay in camp since we're not doing anything anyway. So back to the deployment off, now the "management" will plan the off for us, usually grouping them together so the entire band can go on off at the same time. Anyone will know that this is definitely more tedious than the former method and obviously require a lot more planning since the entire band must be taken into consideration. Now comes my point, did anyone of us force you to do it the way it is done now? No. what does this show, your way is stupid!! That aside, what makes is worst is whenever I hear "we need to plan the off for yada yada". There is NO WE, it's all you! If you want to control our off to such an extent, so be it. Stop making it sound as if we made things difficult for you because you brought it upon yourself. Everything comes with a price and in this case, we shouldn't be the one paying for it, much like how we shouldn't have to answer for mistakes made not by us even when it concerns us. The facts are simple, we didn't make the mistake, you did, what reason have we to take half the responsibility?

And "Andante" does not sound like "And - an - te" dipshit!!
I realised that first time I see that word when I first started learning music. You've been in the band scene for what, I'm assuming you're 40 plus this year, I'll take it that you're 40 for easy calculation, 20 over years and you can't say that word. DIPSHIT!!!


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