Friday, August 05, 2005

visiting annoyance

I hate it when relatives and my parents' friends come to visit. Don't get me wrong here, it's not that I don't like them or anything, the problem doesn't lie with the people that's visiting but at home. My parents get all anal about my room being messy and I have to clean it up and do a shit load of extra work on top of my slacking around.

If I'm not home to "pack", my mum will probably do it for me and that's not good because more often than not, I will not be able to find ANYTHING after she's done with my room. We live in a chaotic world and I kind of like the fact that my room reflects my world, a mess. A mess it may be but that doesn't change the fact that I have everything at my fingertips, more accurately within arms-length. If I need something, I know exactly where to look, it may take a little longer since I'll probably have some flipping to do but I can, more often than not, always find it. Being someone with an extremely erratic train of thought, I'm constantly seeking out different things so I have lots of crap on my table, I like it that way.

The worst is not the packing but my parents! I believe this is the second time I said that but that only proves that they are that annoying! I don't care if my relatives see my room messy so it's my parents that care. So what if a room is messy? Doesn't make it less of a room! And they have this constant need to scream and nag. They go non-stop like a tickertape parade. Then they get pissed off with everyone and we the kids get all the shit. We get yelled at for mundane stuff they pick at just so they can vent their frustration somewhere. Then they put up this fake smile when the visitors come, fake because I don't believe anyone can be pissed off one instant and cheerful the next.

My friends don't care, rather I don't care whether my room is messy or not when they come over. Because we're kids and we all know a really outrageously clean room is just impossible and obviously fake.


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