Tuesday, August 09, 2005


I got bored and so I do what most people usually don't when they are bored. I made a HATE site.

Since the troll scrolls have stopped, thanks to none other than yours truely, I'm moving onto green pastures. The thing about the world is you can never run out of people that annoy you. Some of them not so much but some, like the subject of Masitna, just gets to you in every damn way possible, so much so that looking at him alone is enought to get my blood boiling. I took a few hours creating the graphics for the layout and everthing, the buddy icons, the link exchange banners, everything! My co-founder put in the tagboard and got most of the members in. I have quite a number of people on my MSN contact list sprouting the pink emo Masitna logo now. Nothing much's been added yet but over the next few months, until me and keith ORD, there will be frequent updates, I hope, on the various reasons that justify our hate for this fucking ASSHOLE called SAM.

That alone is not enough to curb my boredom. So I did this.

People, please use firefox for the love of God. IE sucks and it really annoys me when it shows pages and PNG files wrong.


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