Monday, June 27, 2005

so jan knows...

I've been wanting to write this but I'm bounded by a non-disclosure promise I made. But since Janice already knows, it's now safe for me to write this down. Kenneth passed his driving practical and got his QDL a few days ago, congrats to you and to us all. I'd advice you to buy some insurance for you car if you want to let him drive it. He's not the best.

Being the first passenger in his car, I know better than anyone else how careless he is and even though I haven't actually sat in on Zhihui's driving, I can pretty much safely say she's a better driver. I'm not saying Kenneth is all bad, he's got the reflexes but his carelessness is his bane. He left his lights off at night not once but twice! And he's driving a black Lancer!! To say that he almost ran someone down is a understatement!

Rachel, Kenneth's sister: "Good drivers re able to look out for bad drivers."

Well it's probably true unless the bad driver is driving a black car at night with the lights off.

For those that know us, you probably know about our Top 20 list. We don't actually know exactly who's in it since additions are always made to it. So when we say someone is of Top 20 caliber, you know the person is really really ugly. Everytime we go out, we spot a few Top 20 material but the top few are always the same few and that both no. 1's and no. 2's names begin with "C". When Kenneth went to meet his friend after dinner with The Amazing Caves, his friend have with her another friend who's Top 20 material. That's about all I'll disclose for now, you'll understand it once I post some pics of her here, when I get if from Kenneth that is.


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