Saturday, June 04, 2005

mental in sync

1 full day of SAFDAY rehersal is enough to get me wasted. Nothing seems right and all I can think of doing is sleep, coming from me, I'm that fucking tired. To be sunburned is one thing, to be fried 2 weeks in a row is another. To know that you'll continue to be fried everyweek for the next few weeks is total mental annihilation!

Then there's waking up with a headache, how is that even possible?! SAFDAY is screwing up my life I tell you. It's not the first time the SAF screwed up my life anyway, it's been doing that for more than a year now.

Yixian's back from Yunan, we fetched her from the airport last night. Her mum said she got darker, I just beg to differ, looks the same to me. *It's a relative thing I guess. Anyway, her family was there too along with her aunt and a little cousin, probably 5 to 6 years of age. The kids, including her teenage sisters, wrote these really sweet, to them, but is in fact really embarassing, to me, welcome "cards" to flash for all to see. Written using a red marker on the back of the pieces of A3 paper found on the Burger King trays. They were are really happy and glad that she's back, not that I'm not, and they were all showing off their welcome "cards" with zest!

So I said to Kenneth, what's more embarassing than a 5 year old doing that? That being the flashing of the welcome notes and jumping up and down. And like always, he knew what I was thinking and promptly answered, a 20 year old doing that.

That's just one of the many examples of our brains working in sync. We went on to watch shows at yixian's place and just before we left, there was this stupid taiwanese variety show on TV showing some twins along with the stupid host trying to make a fool out of himself by suggesting that twins are psychics.

Twins are often fundamentally different, as far as I know of, not many, and although they may be alike when they're young, they soon grow to want to be unique and different from the other. Or perhaps some twins really do know alot obout the other and are able to quote the likes and dislikes of each other. Does thsi prove that they are psychic? No. I'll just use me and Kenneth as an example. We're not related by blood in anyway, just friends that hang out a lot for a long time. Things we do include completing each other's sentences, saying the same thing for the first time at the same time, having the same thoughts and comments about a certain subject. We don't know gay stuff what our favourite colours are and if you grill us on what we know about each other, we really have not much to say. But when given a situation or a loser to make fun of, that's when you see our real "psychic" abilities. It happens because we think along the same train of thought making us arrive at the same conclusions most of the time. We also think at the same rate, meaning our brains permutate, evaluate and eliminate possibilities at the same pace. So we often arrive at the same conclusion at the same time. This works only for impromptu situations, given time our thoughts will deviate and we will have vast differences in our opinions of various subjects. It's nothing to do with being psychic, it's being in sync at the mental level.

*For the benefit of those that didn't get it. This is a pun. I'm implying that her mum noticed that she got darker because she's family, I'm also implying that I didn't think so because I myself got a lot darker thanks to SAFDAY and kayaking. Damn it's not cool when I worry about people not getting my word play.


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