To realise that there are people out there that remember you when you have absolutely no idea who they are is, well, interesting. 8 years might seem to be a long time to some, it's pretty damn long if you ask me, so it's really amazing that after 8 fucking years, a gathering involving the people of my primary school days can happen. How the organisers managed is beyond me. Who? is probably the most spoken word by me in the last 24 hours. I also experienced the MOST thinking and recollection I ever did in a long time. It's probably nostalgic for some and I guess I should feel the same but it's really hard to be reminiscing when all my energy and psychic abilities are devoted to trying to remember who those people are.
I realised that as much as I want to believe, I do not have as good a memory as I thought. I have virtually no memory of stuff that happened to me 8 years ago, what's worst is that close to half of my class went to DHS after RSS and I seriously do not remember seeing them much, if not at all. I think I'm more antisocial than Kenneth now. A sudden slap in the face I must say.
I stayed over at Qinyong's together with Tony doing not much catching up since there's really nothing much to say. Even after 8 years, it wasn't weird or anything so I guess some people might say, it's like time stops. It's inevitable that we talk about troll since he was from my class and I'm quite surprise I must say. I guess not everyone are bastards who shun him for his differences. They pointed out that he's someone who's really sincere and how fake people are sometimes. I actually felt a pang of guilt but we all agree that no one can help him if he doesn't help himself and change.
I'm not sure if most people who are "fake" realise they are being "fake" in the first place. I would say that everyone's got multiple personas projecting to different groups of people the person they think would be most accepted by them. It's very much human nature since we have such complex social structures and weird ass mentalities. So I wouldn't conclude that the people from 8 years ago are still the same, just that they are projecting the image most similar to that they projected 8 years ago. Me? I'm different, I can't remember what I'm like 8 years ago but judging from the reactions of the people there, I pretty much did a good job. Then there are those that are real assholes and they really ARE fake. Backstabbing is a norm to these and I'm pretty sure none of these are my friends.
If you're planning on catching Starwars Episode 3, be warned that it's not a movie for someone without a minimal of 7 hours of sleep, any less and it becomes a lullaby. It's not that exciting and it's definately way overated. Way WAY WAYYY OVERATED. I'll probably write them a good review if I was given a cool limited edition/FX light sabre since I'll be busy playing with my new kick-ass toy and not concentrating on the film. Didn't happen.
I realised that as much as I want to believe, I do not have as good a memory as I thought. I have virtually no memory of stuff that happened to me 8 years ago, what's worst is that close to half of my class went to DHS after RSS and I seriously do not remember seeing them much, if not at all. I think I'm more antisocial than Kenneth now. A sudden slap in the face I must say.
I stayed over at Qinyong's together with Tony doing not much catching up since there's really nothing much to say. Even after 8 years, it wasn't weird or anything so I guess some people might say, it's like time stops. It's inevitable that we talk about troll since he was from my class and I'm quite surprise I must say. I guess not everyone are bastards who shun him for his differences. They pointed out that he's someone who's really sincere and how fake people are sometimes. I actually felt a pang of guilt but we all agree that no one can help him if he doesn't help himself and change.
I'm not sure if most people who are "fake" realise they are being "fake" in the first place. I would say that everyone's got multiple personas projecting to different groups of people the person they think would be most accepted by them. It's very much human nature since we have such complex social structures and weird ass mentalities. So I wouldn't conclude that the people from 8 years ago are still the same, just that they are projecting the image most similar to that they projected 8 years ago. Me? I'm different, I can't remember what I'm like 8 years ago but judging from the reactions of the people there, I pretty much did a good job. Then there are those that are real assholes and they really ARE fake. Backstabbing is a norm to these and I'm pretty sure none of these are my friends.
If you're planning on catching Starwars Episode 3, be warned that it's not a movie for someone without a minimal of 7 hours of sleep, any less and it becomes a lullaby. It's not that exciting and it's definately way overated. Way WAY WAYYY OVERATED. I'll probably write them a good review if I was given a cool limited edition/FX light sabre since I'll be busy playing with my new kick-ass toy and not concentrating on the film. Didn't happen.

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