Thursday, May 05, 2005

anonymous hate-_____.

What's the deal with anonymous hate stuff? Hate-mail, hate tags, hate-comments, hate-crime, hate-zhiqin, etc. Don't get me wrong, I totally understand the concept of a hate-_____ (fill in blank with word of choice.), you see something someone wrote, don't feel good about it so you decided to show your displeasure, totally normal. What bugs me is the anonymous part. What the hell is the point of responding when the person you're responding to cannot respond to you? Here's a classic anonymous hate-tag found on Kang's tag-board.

anonymous: man u should stop criticisng pple, n look at urself sissy

negoki: anonymous: it's like you're talking to a mirror, isn't "sissy" critic?

As you can clearly see, anonymous is clearly not happy with Kang. I can't help but notice how he slaps himself in the face by doing the exact same thing he's pissed off with Kang about, which explains my reply. However, the point is, nobody cares about anonymous. Who would take John Doe seriously? There's no creditability to what he says since he clearly does not have to balls to stand up for himself and his principles. These are the exact same kind of people that enjoys being taken for granted, since they obviously hate to be taken seriously. If not they'd use their real name or at least something that would allow the person they are responding to identify them.

It's amazing how much hate-_____ some of my friends get, they are after all my friends, all from anonymous. They call themselves anonymous, stranger, superman, teacher, zhiqin, micheal jackson, ihateyou, jessis, leaving no trace to them what so ever. I call it hit and run, amateurish and childish, totally not worth giving a shit for. They do come in handy when I need quick cheap thrill, nothing excites me more than to pick at stupid people's words and throwing it back at them, what I call the slap-him-with-himself maneuver.

Kang's & Grace's blogs. The latter's got a comprehensive collection of hate-_____ well worth reading. Much fucking better than Reader's Digest's joke page.


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