Sunday, June 19, 2005

batman begins

I'll say it's a pretty fine movie and not as good as some of my friends claim it to be. It's a movie to entertain but the writers aren't very smart if you ask me.

So someone decides to create a hallucinogen that induces fear but only works when inhaled. This someone happens to have an ingenius plan to contaminate the city's water supply with said toxin and at the right time, vapourise the entire city's water network and hence causing the entire city to fall into a state of panick. Seemingly impossible? Well apparently batan's company, Wayne Corp., is into weapon R&D and they created a prototype device that will "vapourise the enemy's water supply" and it got stolen! Said device uses microwaves to accelerate water molecules so they boil, wow impressive elementary science here. Let's assume here that it's in fact possible to make the device target only the water in the pipes and not affect the 70% water in the human body. So the toxin's been leaked into the city's water supply for 2 weeks before the actual execution of the plan. Behold! The greatest loop-hole in the plot that's so in plain sight. The water vapourises, boils whatever, and the victims inhale the water vapour causing them to be affected by the toxin. Apparently, no one, not a single person, boiled water for drinking in the past 2 weeks since no one got affected by the toxin until D-day.

Some of you might start yapping about how I should put a spoiler alert yada yada bullshit right about when you read the first sentence. And if you've read this far, here, you would probably have read the entire "spoiler" which makes me question why you continue reading when you know that it's a spoiler, I believe I made it clear enough, and then decide to point out to me that I should in fact put a "spoiler alert" knowing very well that anyone WILL continue reading, probably with more zest, when shown the words "spoiler alert". It's only human nature to be curious and reverse psychology almost always work!

Which is why I think that someday the internet will be flooded not by porn and pictures of naked women you have to pay to view, but by images of really ugly and hideous looking people where you will pay to not see! Take this for example.

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Anyway, as we were heading for supper after the movie, we passed by Oriental and there was this Mercedes roadshow kind of thing going on, and that's when Kenneth spotted this.

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As everyone knows, Batman's got this shadow play thing that Gordan shines into the clouds whenever he needs to contact batman. That was what inspired the not very nice Tiger beer ad that stereotypes guys and girls into 1 single category, stupidity. Apparently Singapore's got her share of crime fighting crusaders too. Mercedes MAN! I didn't have a digital camera with me so I had to use Kenneth's phone to take the picture. I had to change some settings, Night Mode and increase the exposure time before I managed to get the image on screen.


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