It was one of those nights, rather it was more like one of those days I slept a hell lot in the day and when night falls, I'm energised. Time passes quickly as I did my mundane bullshit, fiddling around with stuff I just happen to get my hands on or simply just fiddling around with nothing. Dinner was a combination of cup noodles and a Mac Donalds burger, more like bun since Mac burgers are tiny and never filling, throw in a couple of hours in between. With that said, I got hungry pretty fast so at around 3 am. I went on a hunt for prata.
Thank god for indians that don't need sleep because they fuel those 24 hour prata places allowing me to get prata whenever I felt like it. I could always use a walk in the night in solitude in between the mundane bullshit I have going. I left the house with $12.
I live in a pretty decent neighbourhood by day, with all the schools around and not to forget the homes of some really important people in the vicinity, our current president Nathan. So I'd say it's pretty much a safe neighbourhood and even at night when things get a little shady, nothing too extreme ever happens, not that I know of that is. The roads were pretty much empty with a car or two passing by once in a while. Taxis however were plentiful. Walking by the side of the road, they often slow down and horn to get the attention of the people walking. They would have that look on their faces, all of them did, that even with the minimal lighting in a cab you can clearly see. Without words, thoughts would be exchanged as I continue walking and I glimpse the loss in interest on their faces.
The prata place was a good 10 minute walk away, not that I'm complaining since it's pretty cool at night but you bet your ass I will be if it's in the day, my bitching would go on for a few more pages at least about how shitty the singaporean weather is. About 3/4 ways to the prata place, I passed by this girl. She was sitting outside one of those shop houses fiddling with this gigantic hello kitty key-chain-thing. She had make up on which I can clearly make out even in the dark, too much. I couldn't exactly see what she was wearing since it was dark but it looked like regular tees and shorts. I put her to be around 15 to 16. I figured it was just another girl doing yet another one of those random bullshit random people always do in this randomly shady part of the neighbourhood. But as I walk pass her, she spoke. The conversation was in mandarin.
Girl: Hey can you help me with something?
Me a little surprised but this really is what I said, monosyllabic but does the job: what?
Girl: Can you lend me $10?
Me thinking what the fuck: Huh? What do you want to do?
Girl: Go home.
Me thinking what the fuck yet again: Where do you stay?
Girl: Chua Chu Kang.
Me thinking what the fuck, yet again, the cemetery place as often stereotyped in rubbish TV programs produced by singapore's media monopoly. Looks into my wallet to find $12: Sorry I only have $12 bucks with me now.
There was a silent pause as I, for some reason or another, decided to help her and try to recall where the nearest ATM is. Stuff like what the hell is that girl doing there at 3 am, why she wouldn't just call home, etc. came to mind but it's none of my business and I don't need to know.
Me: I'll go get my supper first then I'll come back.
Girl: ok.
So I went on ahead to get my prata. Same pace, no hurry. Just another night, nothing new. The prata took about 10 minutes to be ready and I paid for it. I have $9 left. As I walk back, thoughts like maybe she'll be gone by now came to mind but she's still there.
Me as I got closer, pointed ahead with my free hand not holding my prata: Let's go.
Girl looking puzzled, probably thinks I'll rape her or something: What? Go where?
Me being annoyed: To take money.
Girl still looking puzzled, still probably thinks I'll rape her or something: Take money? From where?
Me still being annoyed thinking what the fuck? Where else but the ATM?: ATM.
Girl: Can you go get the money and come back?
Me being more annoyed than ever. What the fuck. I'm doing you a favour here, the least you could do is let me walk less. But understanding her caution: Ok. I'll be right back.
I start walking off.
Girl: Thanks. You'll come back right?
I waved, a gesture of acknowledgement, never looked back and walked. I got to the ATM and as if mocking me. It was "temporarily unable to dispense cash". Just her luck. It must have sucked to render her stuck in the middle of nowhere, considering where she lives, and apparently it went on to affecting the ATM as well. Being annoyed by all the walking, I went back to explain the situation.
Me saying something like this but not the exact words: Ok, I can't get cash from the ATM, it's fucked. I only have $9 with me and that's all I can spare.
Girl: Then wouldn't you have no more money?
Me: I'm going home anyway.
Girl: Oh ok then, bye.
Me getting up and walking away: bye
And so I walked. I looked back about 30 meters away and I still see her sitting there. What the fuck? I thought she wanted to go home? But it's none of my business and so I walked. Prata beckons.
Thank god for indians that don't need sleep because they fuel those 24 hour prata places allowing me to get prata whenever I felt like it. I could always use a walk in the night in solitude in between the mundane bullshit I have going. I left the house with $12.
I live in a pretty decent neighbourhood by day, with all the schools around and not to forget the homes of some really important people in the vicinity, our current president Nathan. So I'd say it's pretty much a safe neighbourhood and even at night when things get a little shady, nothing too extreme ever happens, not that I know of that is. The roads were pretty much empty with a car or two passing by once in a while. Taxis however were plentiful. Walking by the side of the road, they often slow down and horn to get the attention of the people walking. They would have that look on their faces, all of them did, that even with the minimal lighting in a cab you can clearly see. Without words, thoughts would be exchanged as I continue walking and I glimpse the loss in interest on their faces.
The prata place was a good 10 minute walk away, not that I'm complaining since it's pretty cool at night but you bet your ass I will be if it's in the day, my bitching would go on for a few more pages at least about how shitty the singaporean weather is. About 3/4 ways to the prata place, I passed by this girl. She was sitting outside one of those shop houses fiddling with this gigantic hello kitty key-chain-thing. She had make up on which I can clearly make out even in the dark, too much. I couldn't exactly see what she was wearing since it was dark but it looked like regular tees and shorts. I put her to be around 15 to 16. I figured it was just another girl doing yet another one of those random bullshit random people always do in this randomly shady part of the neighbourhood. But as I walk pass her, she spoke. The conversation was in mandarin.
Girl: Hey can you help me with something?
Me a little surprised but this really is what I said, monosyllabic but does the job: what?
Girl: Can you lend me $10?
Me thinking what the fuck: Huh? What do you want to do?
Girl: Go home.
Me thinking what the fuck yet again: Where do you stay?
Girl: Chua Chu Kang.
Me thinking what the fuck, yet again, the cemetery place as often stereotyped in rubbish TV programs produced by singapore's media monopoly. Looks into my wallet to find $12: Sorry I only have $12 bucks with me now.
There was a silent pause as I, for some reason or another, decided to help her and try to recall where the nearest ATM is. Stuff like what the hell is that girl doing there at 3 am, why she wouldn't just call home, etc. came to mind but it's none of my business and I don't need to know.
Me: I'll go get my supper first then I'll come back.
Girl: ok.
So I went on ahead to get my prata. Same pace, no hurry. Just another night, nothing new. The prata took about 10 minutes to be ready and I paid for it. I have $9 left. As I walk back, thoughts like maybe she'll be gone by now came to mind but she's still there.
Me as I got closer, pointed ahead with my free hand not holding my prata: Let's go.
Girl looking puzzled, probably thinks I'll rape her or something: What? Go where?
Me being annoyed: To take money.
Girl still looking puzzled, still probably thinks I'll rape her or something: Take money? From where?
Me still being annoyed thinking what the fuck? Where else but the ATM?: ATM.
Girl: Can you go get the money and come back?
Me being more annoyed than ever. What the fuck. I'm doing you a favour here, the least you could do is let me walk less. But understanding her caution: Ok. I'll be right back.
I start walking off.
Girl: Thanks. You'll come back right?
I waved, a gesture of acknowledgement, never looked back and walked. I got to the ATM and as if mocking me. It was "temporarily unable to dispense cash". Just her luck. It must have sucked to render her stuck in the middle of nowhere, considering where she lives, and apparently it went on to affecting the ATM as well. Being annoyed by all the walking, I went back to explain the situation.
Me saying something like this but not the exact words: Ok, I can't get cash from the ATM, it's fucked. I only have $9 with me and that's all I can spare.
Girl: Then wouldn't you have no more money?
Me: I'm going home anyway.
Girl: Oh ok then, bye.
Me getting up and walking away: bye
And so I walked. I looked back about 30 meters away and I still see her sitting there. What the fuck? I thought she wanted to go home? But it's none of my business and so I walked. Prata beckons.

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