Thursday, November 17, 2005

quintet of bliss

Namely yesterday, today, tomorrow, saturday and sunday.

Dinner at 10 while watching CSI. Not exactly what I'd call appetising but nothing prepared me for what I saw about 5 minutes into dinner. Yes there were some graphic images on screen, shotgun wounds, severed limbs, grounded talon of raven, troll, whatever. But none of that was as disturbing as what I saw right in front of me, even when it's something you wouldn't normally flinch, you because I definitely wouldn't, about when seen on TV, unless you're a pansy-ass pussy.

So imagine this, a 1 day old cup of Seasons Ice Lemon Tea, it's so sweet it virtually preserves itself. Now imagine a house gecko, or more commonly known to the ill informed as a house lizard whatever. Now imagine yourself having dinner, supper, dinper, whatever with CSI: New York, I think, on TV when suddenly you notice a tiny creature struggling in a cup of Season's Ice Lemon Tea. It's glossy black eyes stare straight back at me as I watch it in shock for a moment. The first thing that came to my mind was SHIT! Followed by damn it'd better not climb out and run amok all over my food. So I watch as it stop struggling, probably catching a breath or something, before I pushed the cup a good distance away from my food. Geckos can wait, at that moment I was hungry. So life went on. It didn't bother me much but I wouldn't say the same for my monther.

It was after dinner, let's make it dinner since dinper just sounds stupid, that I decided to get rid of the damn thing. I saw it floating motionless, drowned in sugery heaven, Season's Ice Lemon Tea. I'd even say it's pretty sinful for a gecko to take in that much glucose so it's got to be going to hell. Plus it didn't say the sinner's prayer, we all know that's all it takes to get to heaven.


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