Experiencing some server problems with ickystuff, linhosting had better get it fixed before I put a lance through their heads.
My headache is killing me. I reckon that if someone were to drill a hole in my skull, brain juices would start squirting out, easing the pressure(cause of the pain) that's building up in my head. If not I'd be satisfied if someone would just pass me a knife so I get to stab a certain someone that's been annoying the shit out of me. The adrenaline would probably ease the pain for a short while so I figured that if I keep stabbing, non-stop, the pain would go away.
The next time some desperate dipshit ask me for the phone number of some girl they know I know but they themselves don't know, I'd make them dance the dance with the launcher in my hand and my stash of poison tipped harpoons, each leathal enough to kill a blue whale. You probably still wouldn't be able to survive even if you have a dick the size of a bus and the metabolic rate of a rock.
My headache is killing me. I reckon that if someone were to drill a hole in my skull, brain juices would start squirting out, easing the pressure(cause of the pain) that's building up in my head. If not I'd be satisfied if someone would just pass me a knife so I get to stab a certain someone that's been annoying the shit out of me. The adrenaline would probably ease the pain for a short while so I figured that if I keep stabbing, non-stop, the pain would go away.
The next time some desperate dipshit ask me for the phone number of some girl they know I know but they themselves don't know, I'd make them dance the dance with the launcher in my hand and my stash of poison tipped harpoons, each leathal enough to kill a blue whale. You probably still wouldn't be able to survive even if you have a dick the size of a bus and the metabolic rate of a rock.